I spent about 6-7 hours saturday cleaning the bike up. It actually looks pretty good now. But I’ve still got some more cleaning to do. On Sunday I ran and got some hardware I needed, changed all the fluids, and then put some gas in it. Ready to go for a ride, right? No. No spark on the front or rear cylinder.
Mind you it started right up on 6 year old gas. We spent about an hour messing with it, making sure everything was tight. I’ve got a few ignition related things I wanna check this week.
Some before and after of the wheels. Only some minor chrome flaking in some spots.
Pulled out in the sun before washing.
After a full day of cleaning. I started off using 0000 steel wool on all the chrome, lubricanted with simple green 1:1. The chrome wasn’t perfect already, so fine steel wool wasnt going to hurt it. I then used Adams Polishes wheel cleaner on all the chrome. Used simple green again to scrub and degrease the engine (no leaks, but years of road grime.) After that I washed the whole bike. Adams car shampoo mixed with a tiny bit of simple green to strip the paint.
I’ve still got to give the whole thing a once over, there are some small spots I need to re-visit with the chrome. But all in all, it looks good for a 16 year old bike.

Some before and after of the wheels. Only some minor chrome flaking in some spots.
Pulled out in the sun before washing.
After a full day of cleaning. I started off using 0000 steel wool on all the chrome, lubricanted with simple green 1:1. The chrome wasn’t perfect already, so fine steel wool wasnt going to hurt it. I then used Adams Polishes wheel cleaner on all the chrome. Used simple green again to scrub and degrease the engine (no leaks, but years of road grime.) After that I washed the whole bike. Adams car shampoo mixed with a tiny bit of simple green to strip the paint.
I’ve still got to give the whole thing a once over, there are some small spots I need to re-visit with the chrome. But all in all, it looks good for a 16 year old bike.