Well I have recently been doing interior work on my regal (see my build thread), and everything came out really good. However, all my plastics and my dash were pretty dirty. Actually the dash was nasty, greasy and grimy and caked with old armor all. So I had been trying to figure out what to use to clean all of this stuff like door panels, seat backs, dash, kick panels etc. I tried soap and water w/scrubbing, 409 w/scrubbing, armor all cleaners and degreasers, and none worked. So I started googling this, and in one post on a weird forum, it said, and I'm not sure if everyone already knows this or not, "scrubbing bubbles bathroom cleaner". I figured I'd try it, and sure enough the stuff works great! It's not as aggressive as you might think it is, and it took all that grimy build up right off. Just spray it on, let it sit for a few minutes, and rub it off. If you are using it on leather, use a leather conditioner afterward. Just thought I'd let everyone know that this works.