Big Ben gets 6 games...

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I don't disagree at all with the schmuck part (and I'm from Pittsburgh), but I do think 6 games is a bit severe, considering he has never been formally charged with a crime. I would expect the player's union to have something to say, since they likely don't want this case to be the precedent for future decisions.
billyjack said:
I don't disagree at all with the schmuck part (and I'm from Pittsburgh), but I do think 6 games is a bit severe, considering he has never been formally charged with a crime. I would expect the player's union to have something to say, since they likely don't want this case to be the precedent for future decisions.

I live in Pittsburgh now...

1 Sex assualt case that was dismissed.
1 no helmet bike incident (kind of irrelevant, but still plays a part)
1 more Sex assault case dismissed.
1 MORE being investigated in NE.

I would say there's not much the union can say about it. Conduct detrimental to the league is what it is...
it's not conduct unbecoming unless they can prove it. hell, there's not even enough evidence to charge him. and it's not like they'd be reticent about charging a pro sports player with something. he ain't exactly the first.
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