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so you had these issues before you installed the euro header?
Maybe I did but I didn’t notice until i got it out of the paint shop. I barley drove it. Pretty much went from getting the 5.3 to the paint shop. Fuel pump comes on when I turn on the left signal switch when the lights are off. I wonder if someone crossed a wire somewhere. Idk but seems like the lights and the fuel pump wire is crossed.


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You got some major problems, bro. No amount of internet help is going to save you. You need someone handy with a DVOM and basic GM electric knowledge.
This will get you in the right direction: is very useful as well.
two questions, if you just got it out of the paint shop why did you change it to a euro header.....and if you had no problem with the car before you paid to have a 5.3 dropped into it why are you not headed back to the shop to get them to fix it?

2 answers: I put the euro on before we laid the paint, while it was in the paint shop. The guy who rebuilt and installed the motor is almost two hours away and is backed up. I’m not 100% positive he’s the one responsible for the weird lighting situation. Just on here seeing if someone has an answer bro. No need to come at me like I’m a dumb *ss.
You got some major problems, bro. No amount of internet help is going to save you. You need someone handy with a DVOM and basic GM electric knowledge.
This will get you in the right direction: is very useful as well.
You’re probably right. Just thought I’d post to see if someone knew an answer. There’s a wire or two crossed somewhere. Has to be with the break pedal for sure. Thanks for posting tho. Was worth a try.
See post #5. Was the steering column ever dropped or the dash removed? It sounds like somebody shot a screw through a harness or smashed it during reassembly. As I've said several times: you have completely different circuits mashing together, and that is definitely not good- unless you're having a Car-B-Q.
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2 answers: I put the euro on before we laid the paint, while it was in the paint shop. The guy who rebuilt and installed the motor is almost two hours away and is backed up. I’m not 100% positive he’s the one responsible for the weird lighting situation. Just on here seeing if someone has an answer bro. No need to come at me like I’m a dumb *ss.

I'm not anyone's bro and if you think I came at you like you're a dumb *ss I didn't but in hind sight I think you described yourself perfectly
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