I bought a new battery earlier this year, around march, so it's not brand new, but it isn't old either. As my car sits, the battery does too, but I leave it disconnected. So last night, after *hopefully* finalizing my engine work, i push it outside to fire it up, to *hopefully* see the car run right for the first time in my 9 months of ownership. Hooked the battery up, poured some gas down the carb, and cranked it. Dead battery, I guess from cranking it a quite a few times, during previous "end of engine work" first starts) and from sitting. So I borrowed my buddy's trickle charger, and hooked it up. It read 2.5 of 10. So it's been on the charger for about 5 hours now, and the needle hasn't moved. What's going on? I'm not too concerned, the battery is still under warranty, so I can get a new one, but I'll have to wait until this weekend probably, I'm not a very patient person, lol.