I have no great love for either FedEx or UPS. They both incentivize fast, fast, fast, not get it there in one piece. When your stuff shows up damaged, unless if it was run over by the truck (seen before) or something similarly violent, then the responsibility lies with the seller in my opinion. Everyone knows how the box is going to be treated, no matter who the shipper is. It makes me crazy the way sheet metal is packed. You pay all this money for a door skin, or a rocker panel, or a hood and it shows up bent because of the cheap-*ss packaging. I can pack stuff to survive cross country. I've shipped a tri-power setup for an FE Ford all the way to Denmark. I've shipped a BW T-10 (cast iron) four speed all the way to Holland. My dad has packed fenders for Galaxie's and shipped them cross country. It can be done. It takes a little care and a little pride in what you do. That's it. There's nothing magical about building or packing a box.
To give credit, some outfits do much better than others. The reproduction sheet metal industry is the worst in my opinion. I'll give kudos to G-Force. My crossmember was very well packed and the box showed up completely in tact, and that thing is heavy.