Type of car here is clearly known, from there we can deduct other factors, but that takes intution. some are not equipped with that. 😉so now you're a mindreader? yeah, where did I say power of the car had nothing to do with it? I specifically said "the only relevant factor here is ..... driving ANY high horsepower car and acting stupid will negate any experience driving said vehicle-type. I have respect for what that type of vehicle can do regardless of any experience I may or may not have driving said vehicle"
I also said "the only known factor in this car wreck is the 34 yr old was driving like a dumbass (including performing illegal maneuvers). Period. End. Stop. Nothing else is irrelevant (your car, my driving experience, the dead drivers driving expertise) because nothing else is known. NOTHING. Even if you 'know' your car and drive like a dumbass, you're gonna pay the price."
I'll beat it to death all fckn day as a man who expects other men to act like better men of society, not those who have an increased amount of estrogen running through their bloodstream and directing their emotions as such. I do appreciate it though, tells me how not to be.and you can also stop ragging on other forum members with "years of age on you" (aka, more experience and wisdom) about "expecting better out of them". if I'm off-base, they'll jump in and say so.
go ahead and keep beating this to death and trying to make it look like you know everything and just always having to have the last word. I'm done being reasonable with you.
We are here talking cars, some of us have clearly done more than others given when others are asked of things they can't pipe up, so take it for what it is and have a reasonable discussion without the feelings, or go cry somewhere else. I don't care and I'll call it out as it is.
I'll be off base or on base with that one all day, just call em as I see em. Don't like it, don't be it. 🙂
That is two of you now in this group that when asked a question, can't come forward with an answer.
How hard is it to answer a damn question when you are asked?
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