Success...sort of. I got the thing into the garage and rechecked everything. Pulled carb off, as soon as I loosened the passenger rear bolt the secondary freed up. Must have overtorqued it. Changed fuel filter to clear one. Pulled plugs and checked condition, basically looked like new after 4000 miles (not even tan, bright white). Tried to adjust timing with distributor and the vacuum advance can was right against the intake at best vacuum(16-18) so I pulled all the wires and spun it clockwise and put all the plugs back on one position over. Reset the timing to 12 degrees BTDC. Hooked vacuum advance to manifold (not going to chance overheating at idle with thin vortec castings). Changed accelerator pump rod from top hole to middle hole. Reset idle screws to 1.5 turns out (tried 2 turns and it dieseled when I shut it off) and reset the idle to 700 rpm.
I can wing the throttle from idle and she picks right up. As I was tuning it I did hear it ping for the first time, but I currently have some crappy gas that I need to burn out of it before it gets locked down for good. It will back it off to 10 degrees if I hear the slightest hint of pinging on the next tank.
On the upside, it really rips now and will break loose at 15 mph or less if you mash it. Idle is a little better as well. It did have a slight flat spot if you suddenly give it about 50% throttle, but I only got it to happen once and again could be the old gas.
Thank you to everyone for your help. It runs nice enough now to put off my dreams of a dual quad intake with twin TBI's and a Megasquirt 2 to run them all.