Carlisle G-body meet Jun 25 - Jun 27, 2010

Will you preregister with g-body Nation

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • not under g-body Nation

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters
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Guys chill out.

First off to just put this out here and maybe quiet some of you guys I wanted to start a g-body meet. Their is no where in the East Coast or for a matter of fact anywhere in the US that I know of that has a g-body meet. Carlisle is a great place to meet even those I only been their once. They have a ton of hotels to stay at or you can camp their. You can buy parts for cars or even buy a car there. The place is really cool if this year your going down is your first. I am hooked an caant wait till next years show.

Second about the whole "clicks" thing I am not trying to make one. All I want is to have people with g-bodies go down to the show and register as G-Body Nation so we can all hang out. Even if you hate eachother you do not even have to talk to us. You can go your separate way, but putting G-body Nation will help us maybe be able to park together or at least close to one another. So I am not trying to force anyone to sign up with g-body Nation if someone think I am. Also if I do get enough people to sign up with G-body Nation I can reserve a dinner thing with everyone who is part of the G-body Nation even if you do not have your car down there. Just to hang out and have a good time.

Finally if you do not want to go or do not have anything relevant to the topic then please do it soemwhere else. This was suppose to be a forum about a g-body meet at Carlisle and it turned into a bickering over a few thing people said. If you guys would of just stuck to the topic and said something relevant to a Carlisle g-body meet then all of this would not of started. So can we please get back on track or is this going to just turn into a fight over something really stupid?
We do have g body meets on the East Coast one was this past weekend in del and i hold one in nj every year in a campground guys come for the weekend. some for a week like pazzo from tx am thomas from mi others from nh and ri come from wed to sunday. its been posted here and
You are right thou you try to do a good thing and it blows up.
If anyone is interested, we have a show coming up in NJ at the Sea Pirate campground next June and we get a lot of g-bodies from all over New England. Would love to have you and any other g-body enthusiasts. This is family oriented show so bring your families too. The more the merrier"
i will post this coming years flyer in events
Houlie said:
Nothing like holding onto a grudge..........and you wonder why no-one wants you in their "clique" :blam:

hey houlie, can you please refrain from the negative comments and GTFO with all of your CSBS. Nobody likes you here. :roll:

with that being said, i will be at carlisle that weekend for the GM nationals regardless, and i will most likely register as gbody nation whether or not we have our own section and/or tent, doesnt matter to me although it would be cool.
Tuggy24g said:
The show is a little under a year away and still not vary many people want to go or sign up as g-body nation? I am supriced that not that many g-bodies want to go to the show and or sign up as g-body nation.
I think there are several problems. First, if you've had your g-body for any length of time you are probably already associated with a club of some sort and would register with that club. Second, many don't want to commit that far ahead. And be aware that some may fully expect to attend and then can't. Many things can happen in 10 months that would preclude you from attending an event that you initially thought you would attend.

Last year I tried to generate interest for the Monte guys to attend GM Carlisle. Only three of us did. Others intended to but stuff happens and they couldn't make it. Understandable. This year there seems to be much more interest and we have a bunch committed and they have already made reservations at the hotel. Hopefully all will make it but I'm sure some will drop out. Those that do make it will have a blast just as the three of us did last year.

So, no matter how many you end up with in your group, you can still make it memorable.
I know the show is a about 10 month away, but the thing is none is interested in joining when everyone said in another forum that they wanted to have a g-body meet somewhere in the East Coast. I am making one and no one or not many people will join at all. I do not understand people these days. They finaly get what they want and they do not wan it once they get it.

Also do not forget to type in G-body Nation as your club affiliate.
Tuggy24g said:
I know the show is a about 10 month away, but the thing is none is interested in joining when everyone said in another forum that they wanted to have a g-body meet somewhere in the East Coast. I am making one and no one or not many people will join at all. I do not understand people these days. They finaly get what they want and they do not wan it once they get it.

Also do not forget to type in G-body Nation as your club affiliate.

Tuggy24g i think alot of people are going but as stated about they sign up with a club they been with for along time.
You also state your making a g body meet nope carlisle is having the gm meet your trying to get montes to meet but under your clubs name i think is how some might see it. There will be alot of g body cars at carlisle but some just dont join clubs or switch clubs just for a meet for the chance of trying to get a club with most members trophy.
we do have large g body turn outs as i said here in nj where guys come from other states.
No I am not trying to get a trophy or anything for biggest group participation. I am just trying to get a meet of g-bodies to come and register under the same name so we can park together or at-least close to one another. that is what I am trying to do and if people do not like it then sorry to who ever I might of hurt.
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