Carlisle G-body meet Jun 25 - Jun 27, 2010

Will you preregister with g-body Nation

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • not under g-body Nation

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters
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i often go to a lot of events at carlisle,so i just may (have to!) go to this,a g body meet sounds good.When I go i'll get a sticker for my back and front window that says MINION1186... and once again look for a long haired dude
I dont know if its been said already but maybe before or after the actual show we can all meet at a local food joint for breakfast or after for dinner because we will all be split up in the show itself. cant miss my car (if it makes it!) it will prob be the only TPI T5 Grand National there with a gbody sticker in the back window. Didnt get my tags yet but they may say FODOIMP and be from NJ
It would be good if we all meet up together before the show like FODOIMP said and then cruise into the show together
NY87SS said:
85 Cutlass, I had no idea this site which they don't use for whatever reason was being spied and they would either reactivate long forgotten accounts or just plain sign up to make it a E-Turf war as you said.

Ahhhhhhh, we were invited here by tuggy who posted a link to this thread on the MonteCarloSS forum......
NY87SS said:
85 Cutlass, I had no idea this site which they don't use for whatever reason was being spied and they would either reactivate long forgotten accounts or just plain sign up to make it a E-Turf war as you said.

Like what was said by Crusher, Tuggy invite us to come here and view the post.....

You know what, after reading your post NY87SS, you seem to be the type that truely and honestly gets upset and takes it personal if your NOT invite to participate in something......Here's some words of advice that might make life less stressful for you. In life, from time to time, people (for whatever reason), are NOT looking to be your friend, for whatever reason, and thats just a fact. Learn to deal with it.........Keep your Mouth shut about it, and move on. Don't go and whine about it to others on a public forum, unless you want to hear about how much of a DICK you sound like...

This isnt an "E-Turf" war as your implying............there are a group of us over at the other site, that hang around together when we get to the same shows, we didnt go and broadcast that we were looking for "friends" to join us, we just walked around, struck up conversations, and if we hit it off then fine.....if not we went our seperate ways......

Trust me, you might want to go your seperate way from me, because we aren't hitting it off
In all honesty if any of you guys here, see any of us at Carlisle, and you want to say "Hi" or talk cars, your welcome to.

This doesnt mean we will be exchanging addresses to send Xmass cards, I dont even do it with the guys I'll be parked next to.

The two reasons why alot of us are going to Carlisle is (1) the Monte nationals are to far away for us to attend, and (2) we are looking for a relaxing environment to enjoy some nice cars & cold beverages, plain and simple......We are a lazy bunch, when you see us, you'll understand

I'm done
Houlie said:
NY87SS said:
85 Cutlass, I had no idea this site which they don't use for whatever reason was being spied and they would either reactivate long forgotten accounts or just plain sign up to make it a E-Turf war as you said.

You know what, after reading your post NY87SS, you seem to be the type that truely and honestly gets upset and takes it personal if your NOT invite to participate in something......Here's some words of advice that might make life less stressful for you. In life, from time to time, people (for whatever reason), are NOT looking to be your friend, for whatever reason, and thats just a fact. Learn to deal with it.........Keep your Mouth shut about it, and move on. Don't go and whine about it to others on a public forum, unless you want to hear about how much of a DICK you sound like...

This isnt an "E-Turf" war as your implying............there are a group of us over at the other site, that hang around together when we get to the same shows, we didnt go and broadcast that we were looking for "friends" to join us, we just walked around, struck up conversations, and if we hit it off then fine.....if not we went our seperate ways......

Ah, but Houlie was invited quite a few times to be part of this clique and this group and or members of it BROADCAST constantly JOIN US FOR THIS AND THAT.
Am I a stressed out person, no, not at all, sarcastic and cynical when I see people being hypocritical or outright lying, YES.
Whine never, warn others of the potential waste of time as I have others had put in thinking this might be a good thing, again, YES.
I have seen more than enough flaming, disrespect and so fourth done by this group on various open and locked forums which I was once part of, then to see you guys try to sit here and smile going WHO ME, nah its you!!!

Why do you think I quit even attempting to be part of this?
This forum and its members were hammered, Monte Carlo SS was hammered, the NMCOA and at least 20 singled out members of either where down right slammed upon. Then I will add myself which I was "great person" when I planned to attend Sea Pirates, but after I backed out well before I gave a reason, what a POS, I thought you were a good guy!! All in less than 3 months after joining and it still goes on today.

Your outburst here, the statements of no intention of making any type friendship so fourth is exactly what will transpire at any event attended by your group. You will sit to the sides not trying to be a part of anything, while you rate those whom surround you.

Sorry, 85, I meant to not do this and keep on topic, but since Houlie and Crusher livened it up, it had to be answered in a public arena, while that sat back again and smiled WHO ME!!!
when i go i'll just walk arounf the g bodies and ask if anyones on g body forum,we should(or shouldnt!?) make a list of whos attending,usernames and their cars;stupid ideas i have!!! :rofl:
OK guys seems like a lot of us are going to Carlisle so please register as G-body Nation. Even if we do not part together or we are all over the place we can still get a hugh tent and all hang out together in it. Kind of like what all the Impala guys have.

Last year all of the 2000 era GTO all drove through the gates together and it was sooooooo cool. Seeing all the different ways people fixed up the same car and how they sounded. so all of us driving together into the show is a great idea.

So like I said if you want a hugh tent with g-body Nation on it sign up with that name.
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