Carlisle G-body meet Jun 25 - Jun 27, 2010

Will you preregister with g-body Nation

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I will be up at the Fall Carlisle swap meet, I will be looking at g-bodys and talking to owners. I will see if their is any more interest by word of mouth.
Ok, off topic for one more post to answer the critics again which only see things there way.
I did not even know the NMCOA even existed til this year and had Carlisle all ready booked from the previous year, so, no I did not go or knew much if any about it before the event.
Next year, well, we will see since the club I belong to which I have all ready given my word to that I would help with the 3 shows it puts on interferes or not.

When I stated about the start of Carlisle threads it was on NYMCC. I started the first one which was a collaboration between myself and 2 other NYMCC members too see if the LI/NJ guys would actually go to since we had a sense it was a clique of sorts and upstate guys really didn’t matter. It was one of 3 threads done so for that purpose that we gave plenty of lead time so someone could plan for it. 2 people actually wanted to join me in my yearly trek to Carlisle and as suspected the rest!!!! Frank a few months later started a new one which got the same type response and he is not a clique full member either. Yours on Monte SS was just another.

As to proof, well NYMCC has moved, the forums no longer are there to read the posts that slammed members outside the group and forum. Tommy knows about one of them because I asked him how he could allow it since he is one of few with a even disposition to people. Other posts to show you, well Tony has them all locked up in his must be logged etc forum. One post was apologized for and there are numberous others and chat sessions weekly that trashed people from other forums and the forums themselves. I deleted my account after seeing I was being talked about behind my back while they thought I was not there and my IP has been banned so to find that info if it has not be deleted I cannot do.

Tony, do I throw digs in and attack?? Hell Ya I do. But if you look closely they follow a pattern.
Political debates, open game because no one can win in a debate of such. All sides are so corrupt, full of lies, hypocritical I’ll add there can be no winner.

Religion/beliefs, that’s worse and more hypocritical than politics is. Its said that the devil will pull the ultimate deception onto mankind, outside of the 2 original religions, Judaism and Islamic, he sure did and its called Christianity.

Then when people post stuff complaining about something to which they are just of guilty as, blind too, well again, highly hypocritical, its fair game.

Oh and Tony, your not hard to figure out, you posted everything anyone would need to figure out you fit the bill exactly of your stereotype.

I love a good debate/argument because I am highly sarcastic and cynical!!

Oh, someone might want to remind Joe that he dropped the ball and needs to pick it up if you guys are to have anything special for Carlisle next year. Ricks been waiting months for Joe to contact him. Hey Tuggy, you might want to get ahold of Ricj and make a G body thing also.
Crusher said:
NY87SS said:
Crusher tells them the place is a mud pit sh*thole, don't bother.

I'm still waiting for the link to where I said this. Maybe you'll be man enough to admit that you exaggerated and added things that I did not say which was. "Hope the fields aren't muddy. There is no pavement or gravel parking.........Everything is on the grass". Not anything near what you quoted me as saying.

NY87SS said:
Chances are you will not be allowed to join the 2-3 forums that you must be a member to read. In there you will find what they really think of you.

Also, still waiting for what forums won't let me register and links to the posts to "read what people really think of me.

As far as Tommy's and Tony's forums, they can answer for themselves.

Your not going to the Monte Nats for what ever reason. Enough said. Stop trashing others that aren't going for what ever reasons they have chosen not to attend.

BTW, this will be my last post here no matter what NY87SS responds with so he can have the last word. I'm sure anyone that has read all the post from the beginning can see who instigated all this.
Crusher said:
BTW, this will be my last post here no matter what NY87SS responds with so he can have the last word. I'm sure anyone that has read all the post from the beginning can see who instigated all this.

NY87SS, I'm with Crusher on this need to get a wonder why no-one wants you to be part of anything...
Ive met tommy and tony both in person. Tommy, the one time I hung with him at sea pirates, can seem a little cliquey at times with the NYC monte group, but made me feel welcome non the less. If you have problems with tony its probablly not him. In fact take a look at the thread, no one seems to like you. youve been banned kicked off or removed from how many different forums, well in your defense, have attempted to log onto a site that isnt there or is under maintanince. I stick with wicked monte groups cause im in south jersey. Im not going to carlisle or monte madness or any other massive gathetering of douchers cause I know unlike tommys "clique" your little group is going to do nothing but talk trash about people hence you track history. Any hard headed narow minded moron can assume they won a debate, only cause the other party realizes hes arguing with a complet moron and wises up. I left high school behind when I graduated, I sugest you do the same.
As all can see tuggy was back on track gettting people together for a event when john comes back to bash people and stir the pot again.
John most of us know your a ex junkie . i think you are back on the stuff and better go back to rehab becasce half the stuff you say about people you wont say to there face. You are so use to people from the s 10 site you use to own bowing down to you . that here on monte sites people wont do that to you and you get pissed.
Tommy is a great guy i have seen him and the nymcc help many car people out.
all this with you started with a problem you had with someone upstate then you draged it onto the nymcc and on my site then to the nationals message board and now here just cut the crap. Let Tuggy get a group of people together.
If you feel you have anything you want to say to my face you can find me the 1st and 3rd sundays of every month 5 30 pm at stewarts root beer in tuckerton just ask for me and talk face to facew like a man not a keyboard cowboy you opened your trap i will shut it inperson if you want to take it as i am calling you out well take it that way lets see how much of a man you are face to face.
Back on topic i laid it on the line with this guy. i been a member here longer then him and never a problem.
Don’t anyone try to involve Tommy beyond what I have posted.
Tommy’s is the pres. Of the NYMCC and is a very nice level headed guy to which I have no ill towards at all. Never did and never will .
Being the pres. of NYMCC I did question him as to why he would allow a trashing of another site and members to which he belongs and is a mod at. I told him it does not look good for the club allowing this to be on something he represents.
That is all, there is nothing more too that than this.
Tommy, Del and Jim are the only three within this group that has ever been leveled headed, witty, has a sense of humor and outgoingly friendly. This is the kind of people whom myself would want to be associated with. You know this to be true Tony because I stated that in your chat box whilst trashing was occurring and people got pissed off, to bad, if they didn’t trash on a regular basis they might have made this group.

Oh S10 guys which are for the most part a younger crowd act more like adults than what I have seen for a particular group of Monte owners. The s10 guys are a more diverse group of people than the monte ones and they do not attack differences in life style. They purely get along just because there S-series truck owners. There is no bowing anywhere and evenly respect all at all ages, races, creeds, lifestyles and so on.

And Tony that’s good, use my post where I introduced myself saying I was a alcoholic so I will be cynical and sarcastic, which was a warning to take some things with a grain of salt and maybe step light. Then make it into a junkie, cool because that means you have a lot of junkies within your group so junkies must be OK.

As far as Dave, well that was after the setup to which myself, his side kick Doug and one northern Nyer had put in motion too see if others really have the intention to really be a NY State Monte Carlo Club and not a new York City one which is really is in all intent.

Crusher for all intent and purpose has said everything anyone could judge by on NMCOA and Mr, Harvey eloquently straightened him out on. Those posts have been cleaned up.
What the hell guys I thought we could all move past all of this. Jesus guys can we please move on. Your all really ruining me getting this Carlisle meet going since every other post has some type of arguing even if it was not you who started it. You all have a part in it no matter what you did. So please stop if you have nothing related to Carlisle to said. Even if someone talks trash to you leave it alone and move on. If you keep instigate it will keep on happening so please stop.
Sorry Tuggy, thought I could stay out of this and thought it was over days ago but NY87SS started this crap, continues with this crap and continues posting lies that I can not ignore. This seems to be the pattern NY87SS has followed on other sites also. IMO, it's time for a MOD to come in here and delete all the unrelated post and to warn or ban those that he feels is most responsible for this fiasco. If I am determined to be one of those, then so be it, but I was not and am not going to let the lies go unanswered.

NY87SS said:
Crusher for all intent and purpose has said everything anyone could judge by on NMCOA and Mr, Harvey eloquently straightened him out on. Those posts have been cleaned up.

All posts are still there in there entirety and NON have been cleaned up because there was nothing to clean up. As far as my involvement in the thread, here is just one of the several PM's I received concerning the thread.

"Crusher, Just read all the posts from Nat. site and here on the proposed mini meets and East Coast Nats location.
I think you brought up many valid points and expressed yourself and your feelings very professionally.
Good job! Like you said, it is YOUR choice to attend or not. Mine too. Good job representing the "silent ones"
Seriously though. You had good points and they were well said."

NY87SS....You still have not provided me with the forums that, as you stated, "I would not be allowed to join". Nor have you provided links to posts where,as you stated, "I could find out what people really thought about me". This is my third request. Yet more lies I assume or you would have provided them.

You also have not addressed the bold face lie about my comment on Carlisle rain. I provided proof of what I actually said and you have again have chosen to ignore it. I assume again, you do so because you made it up. Also, my third request.
So you make false accusations and blatant lies that you can't prove. Then your excuse is that the post or thread was deleted or cleaned up. I don't think to many people are buying that............
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