Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... Why?

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Nov 19, 2012
In the pictures below you will see the state of my Brand new aluminum pistons. The engine was completed 8 Months ago and since then I've driven the car about 2500 miles total. The 1997 Vortec heads have recently been taken off and sent to the machine shop to have screw in studs and guideplates installed. Once the heads were taken off the 1978 350 block (Pictured) my mechanic showed me exactly what you see in the pictures.

My mechanic says that the charring comes from a lack of CAM-2 race fuel being added to the 93 Octane that I use in this HIGH-COMPRESSION motor. Does this sound right to you?

Are the charred pistons coming from something that my mechanic did, or didn't do?
Are the charred pistons coming from something that I am doing, or not doing?
Please help, any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
😀 🙂 🙁 😱 :shock: 8) :lol: :x 😛 😳 😢 :?: :!: :wink: :roll: :twisted: :evil: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen:



Re: Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... W

Anubis said:
Looks like carbon build up to me and I can't see deformation of the piston surface. Does it scrape off?

Yes it scrapes off. It seems like the pistons will be able to be cleaned up...but it also seems to me that after only 2500 miles they should not look like this.
Is the CAM-2/93 octane mixture a must in high-compression engines?
Re: Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... W

The pistons have not started to deform. If this is normal, I am curious to see how they will look after 30,000 miles. But if anyone can give me any information on how important CAM-2 race fuel in my gas tank is. I've used it only once. I added 2 Gallons to a full tank. That's a ratio of a bout 1:8. If CAM-2 is indeed necessary, then how much and how often?
Re: Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... W

If your fuel mixture isnt quite right, like excessive feul intake can cause carbon build up, not running a thermostat can cause this or in some cases the timing being off can cause alot of build up of carbon. Bad gas as well is a good contributor. If you clean the pistons up, do some checking and readjustments and run some seafoam or Lucas fuel cleaner, that'll help clean them up too. I usually run a bottle of Lucas every 2nd or 3rd tank fill up and a bottle of seafoam every 6 to 8 months to keep the carbon build up in mine down.
Re: Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... W

timing is proally a little off !!! but yes gas engines just do that try runnin higher octane and put a can of sea foam in every couple tanks of gas !!! i wouldnt worry to much it looks normal to me !!
Re: Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... W

Wow thanks so much for everyone's input. My mechanic showed me this and my heart dropped but after reading everyone's responses, i'm back to a normal heartbeat. I will definitely use the "seafoam" and also the fuel fuel system cleaner. Thank you once again.
Re: Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... W

I think you might have misunderstood what your mechanic meant by charring. Your pistons aren't char-broiled, charring is incomplete combustion which leaves deposits
Re: Char-Broiled Aluminum Pistons after just 2500 Miles... W

Looks super rich to me.

10:1 should be fine on 93 with no additives. The carburetor could use some tuning though.
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