Cleaning Steering Wheels

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Dec 29, 2013
Calgary Alberta Canada
Does anybody have a tried a true method of cleaning colored steering wheels? I have a nice tan four spoke Camaro wheel that appears to have never be cleaned since new. Any ideas are appreciated.
Try spraying brake clean on a rag and test it in an inconspicuous area first
I always use goop or another type of hand cleaner. Really knocks the grease and dirt off. Then just soap and water. Does a great job and doesn't hurt the wheel...timo
scrubbing bubbles bathroom cleaner. dont use brake clean, some of it is very strong and will atleast discolor it, maybe eat into it.
Scrubbing bubbles is a good one, have to be careful of the bleach though.

I usually take the wheel off, then use GOJO and a tooth brush in the sink. That usually does it. Tedious, time consuming, but works. And I have tan wheels.

Brakleen can be hit or miss, flammable, non-flammable (I use this), they have different chemical makeups.
I've always had great success with Scrubbing Bubbles on Vinyl and Plastic. Makes it look new. I wouldn't recommend using it on leather though. For leather steering wheels I normally use saddle soap, and then shoe polish.
I used a degreaser from Zep in the purple bottles to clean it. Then I used boot polish to polish it up nice. Worked for me.
I use simple green. Soak it down and let it sit for a bit and wipe it off
Pizza Hut degreaser and and SOS pads...followed immediately by some Armour All
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