Considering Change to XenForo... opinions?

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ssn696 said:
...The only thing I ask is to please not lose any data. There's a treasure trove here!


I agree. I had a ton of stuff at cardomain, build logs and the like, and it is now totally FUBAR.
I'm glad I saw this thread. I don't know if you remember, but I have been asking for a legit bulletin board for years here. I was the guy that asked you to install the Tapatalk mod. Back then, there wasn't even a Tapatalk mod for phpBB. Now there is....

So having said that, why won't you switch to vBulletin? It's the most robust BB software out there, and has an insane amount of support. I'll be honest, I've never heard of XF before. I don't know why you decided on phpbb, unless it was because it was free?

What are your thoughts on vBulletin, running Tapatalk, with the Garage Pro mod? I feel like that offers the best for future upgrades, (future proofing the site), has tons of support, and the Garage Pro mod will allow waaaay more user interaction than we currently have here. Each user can have a 'garage', where they can enter whatever cars they own. They can upload images, dyno sheets, and tons more. This would turn gbodyforum into an autonomous machine that people can do more on, than just post threads.

Do you honestly like the look and feel of TurboBuick?

Whatever you decide on, I think we can all agree that this forum needs a refresh. We should have our own smartphone app (Tapatalk). This site needs to be SEO friendly (currently it is not), and other features would make this site modern (lightbox and slideshows for images). A quick way to find a person's builds would save a lot of time. Having the ability for someone to enter all of their mods and stuff in one location, and the same location for everyone would cut down on the same basic questions.

VB Pro Garage:

User sample garage:

I'm not impressed with TurboBuick. Looking over Xenforo's actual product page, it looks pretty good. As for changing the look and feel of the site, that shouldn't matter as long as the data is still there. It's just like Facebook, every time there's an update people are pissed and scream bloody murder. A week later, they realize the importance of the changes, accept and embrace them. This is a free forum, so I don't see anyone running away from it, unless you kill off all of their old posts/data.

Please take all of this as constructive criticism.
ok, having quickly browsed thru the Xenforo plugin page, it does look really nice.

They have a Multisite system plugin, which might interest you since you manage multiple forums. They have a sitemap mod, XF supports widgets and also has a portal. I believe there's also a Tapatalk mod for it, so we can access it via our smartphones.

So, having said that, I'll change my other position and say I think you should upgrade. Anything (XF, VB) is better than what we have now. This is a forum about old discontinued cars. It's not going anywhere. This data will live on forever, as long as you curate it. Part of managing that data is to make it more accessible. SEO friendly links were a must 5 years ago.

PS - I just did a forum search and realized that you did install Tapatalk after my original suggestion. Thank you. Not sure why I don't get a pop up about Tapatalk when accessing the forum via my smartphone...
HurstOlds said:
I'm glad I saw this thread. I don't know if you remember, but I have been asking for a legit bulletin board for years here. I was the guy that asked you to install the Tapatalk mod. Back then, there wasn't even a Tapatalk mod for phpBB. Now there is....

I wasn't even aware of TT or its cousin ForumRunner until then....

So having said that, why won't you switch to vBulletin?

Its a possibility, too. I've just never really much cared for it. There's an opinion floating around that vB is starting to go downhill where XF is on the way up....

I don't know why you decided on phpbb, unless it was because it was free?

Basically. It's what I started the site on back in '05 (CRIPES) and have just carried it forward. It's getting to a point where phpBB is starting to feel "old" from a dev/release standpoint. If they don't make a big leap forward its going to seriously affect its usage.... At the time it was the sh*T though....

What are your thoughts on vBulletin, running Tapatalk, with the Garage Pro mod? I feel like that offers the best for future upgrades, (future proofing the site), has tons of support, and the Garage Pro mod will allow waaaay more user interaction than we currently have here. Each user can have a 'garage', where they can enter whatever cars they own. They can upload images, dyno sheets, and tons more. This would turn gbodyforum into an autonomous machine that people can do more on, than just post threads.

Will look into this.

Do you honestly like the look and feel of TurboBuick?

Honestly, no.

Whatever you decide on, I think we can all agree that this forum needs a refresh.

Absolutely. The current redesign is getting somewhat old in the tooth. I need to overhaul it and then copy it over to the other sites I just started (A/B/D/H/ and ...

We should have our own smartphone app (Tapatalk).

I've considered this. Just this week I put some analytics in place to try and measure how much traffic comes from Tapatalk. I need to see what that looks like first. I'm not sure the numbers are there to justify it. Which is why I put the analytics in place :mrgreen:

This site needs to be SEO friendly (currently it is not)

True. It actually seems to do alright. But yeah, it could be better. phpBB is a b*tch when it comes to that. No good way to do url rewrites without seriously modifying the code. XF has some slick ways to deal with that....

and other features would make this site modern (lightbox and slideshows for images).

Another reason for ditching phpBB, mods like that (and others) require some serious modification which become a royal PITA come update time... vB or XF, I think would make stuff like this possible.

A quick way to find a person's builds would save a lot of time. Having the ability for someone to enter all of their mods and stuff in one location, and the same location for everyone would cut down on the same basic questions.

Like I said, will explore this.

I'm not impressed with TurboBuick. Looking over Xenforo's actual product page, it looks pretty good. As for changing the look and feel of the site, that shouldn't matter as long as the data is still there. It's just like Facebook, every time there's an update people are pissed and scream bloody murder. A week later, they realize the importance of the changes, accept and embrace them. This is a free forum, so I don't see anyone running away from it, unless you kill off all of their old posts/data.

TB is what it is. I dont particularly like the on-black style of it, but that's just templating/css. The content here isn't going away in any case. No way! I'd have to test out the import process and put it all on a test server before making a change this big, no matter which product it ends up on.... True about the changes, though. Can't please everyone...

Please take all of this as constructive criticism.

No problem. Exactly the kind of stuff I'm after. I'll do some looking into vB again.

While we're talking about this sort of thing. Here's a totally random observation: Do you think Facebook is killing off "the forum" (speaking about any forum, not just this one.) I've seen traffic decline over the past year, while Facebook seems to be filling up with smaller splinter G-Body "groups" based around a certain location or club or even just a clique of guys. So many of them.... Yet another reason I think something has to change here. (and XF has provisions for a direct facebook login and opengraph stuff in it... not sure about vB)...

(oh look more! :mrgreen: )

They have a Multisite system plugin, which might interest you since you manage multiple forums.

I actually didn't see that one 😳

They have a sitemap mod, XF supports widgets and also has a portal. I believe there's also a Tapatalk mod for it, so we can access it via our smartphones.

So, having said that, I'll change my other position and say I think you should upgrade. Anything (XF, VB) is better than what we have now. This is a forum about old discontinued cars. It's not going anywhere. This data will live on forever, as long as you curate it. Part of managing that data is to make it more accessible. SEO friendly links were a must 5 years ago.

SEO isnt what it used to be, really. It's a factor. The content makes up for it, and its not going anywhere.

PS - I just did a forum search and realized that you did install Tapatalk after my original suggestion. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=39661&p=337683&hilit=tapatalk#p337683 Thank you. Not sure why I don't get a pop up about Tapatalk when accessing the forum via my smartphone...

It should be :twisted: It used to, anyway. I'll check it out. Nobody tells me when stuff is broken 🙁
hmmm didn't realize vB bumped to 5. interestink.....
I actually don't think that Facebook is killing off forums. It's going to come full circle and I can explain why. I belong to tons of Facebook groups, some that have thousands of members. Facebook group pages really piss me off, because whenever someone posts a comment on a post.....that post gets bumped to the top of the page.

So I am always asking questions in groups. I never get responses because within 5 minutes, my post is pushed completely off the page. Also, Facebook is really effing up the way they deliver content to people. I can refresh my 'wall', and see posts from groups that are 12 hours old. I always comment on stuff, and afterwards realize that original post was 16 hours old and the person needed a rapid response. So, by me commenting, that bumps that old post to the top, and starts the cycle over again. This kind of is the reason why I can make a live post and it's nearly immediately bumped off the way.....because people are at the same time seeing old stuff on their walls, commenting, and bumping those.

Facebook's file system sucks *ss. You can upload/share files with group members, but it's very crude.

So, for a group that I run, I literally had to create a private forum, just to archive data and make it more accessible. So I don't believe FB will kill forums. I think for stupid meme posts and BS, Facebook works. Any meat and potatoes type of info, it just falls flat.
FWIW, facebook sucks, I look at it once a week. And I personally like, and have no problem, getting to the content I need from the tapatalk app. All the forum apps that are specific to that forum, like turbobuick and the like, I never liked. I prefer to have all my forum stuff accessible from one place. It is easier to track.

The user garages, I don't really allot at either because most people just upload a few pics with no explanation or nothing. Sure, a completed car is ok to look at, but I can google that. I don't know, I don't think the forum is broke. I post info, read threads, etc. I am on this forum the most out of the 10 I am a member off, because it isn't all busy and cluttered.

Again, just my .02 😀
Those are all great points. I'm not saying the forum is broke. I'm just saying it could really use a facelift. It's stagnant.

I don't run the back end of this site, but I can imagine upgrades may be a nightmare. Yes it's a ton of work to update a site to an entirely new platform, but have any of you used something like Wordpress? Upgrades are one click away. For entire Wordpress updates AND plugins. No custom code, nothing to break after an upgrade, etc....

So it's a lot of work to move over, but it will save work down the road. Those are decisions that only the admin can make, since he does it all himself I think.

With some things you can get by with 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. Other things, it's best to do maintenance to improve things. Life will go on either way, it comes down to making a choice
if it's not broke don't fix it. I'm 25 so TB looks ok but alot of you guys are old - no offense but do you really want a black background? Also a lot of guys are super country on here and access the page through their phone which they won't be able to do if you switch to xf most likely. No offense to you country folks either I still love you though just got back from TN
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