Following is just a swag... Scientific or (Silly) Wild A** Guess. Don't know your exact specs so pulled from Rock Auto 34 x 18.125 x 1.25 Core. For tanks just extrapolated it as 3 columns = (1.25 thick x 18.125 high x 1.5 wide).
Core is 770.3125 cubic inch or 12,623.1603 CC
Tanks (SWAG) ... 67.97 cubic inch or 1,113.829 CC
Total = 13,736.9893 CC/ml = 13.74 Liters = 3.63 Gallons.
And you are probably around 60% of that = approx. 2.2 Gallons?
Still seems kind of high.
yeah, 2 gals seems high until you realize the whole system holds about 16-18 qts, including the engine block. so the engine block holds 2 gals also?About the only way to do it, unless you can find out actual capacity from GM books, would be to:
Remove and lay radiator flat make sure it's empty and add measured amounts of water and total that up.
Figuring the wife doesn't want her good Pyrex out in the garage, I would suggest the 1 or 2 quart plastic paint container and pour into radiator until full. Keep track of total quarts poured and total up and convert to gallons. 4 quarts = one gallon.
I looked at all the radiators listed on Rock and not a single one listed fluid capacity.
even the Spectra website gave no capacity
Spectra Premium believes in a green and sustainable economy. That's why it uses its core competencies of metallurgical transformation, heat transfer and high quality assembly capacity, as well as its extensive expertise, to stand out in the booming vehicle electrification sector in Quebec.
even these numbers are all over the place