ive had my quad rebuilt twice, by dudes who knew what they were doing. and within a month, both times, it was out of time. it still wont kick over when i crank it up, and i have to pump it while cranking in order to get it going. my buddy built both his 69 Cutlass, 72 Monte, and lord knows how many cars from the ground up, and he even said it'd be worth getting rid of. Ive had my camshaft, lifters, and push rods done as I had a misfire on cylinder 5, so I figured best to replace em all. Currently, the only mod I have is the added system I installed, just a 12"sub (upgrading to another for more bass), and this coming week ill be picking up a water pump and my gagues. i doubt ill be doing anything crazy, but like I'd said...I was just seeking some help in reliable parts that will last through the souther heat for cruises up the highway. I also wanna be able to make it to Pidegon Forge for the car show in June, but just to observe. Thank you for your insight and well wishes, much appreciated man