If you don't know what it means, don't use the word.
CUSTOM is not something you get out of a box. CUSTOM is not paying someone to paint your car some ungodly color. If you have it and someone else can go to the store and have it too... it's not CUSTOM.
CUSTOM is not paying for the biggest rims you can fit on your car and bolting them on.
CUSTOM is doing something that no ones seen yet. Chip Foose does CUSTOM. People that copy him do not. If you've seen it somewhere else and you copy it (no matter how difficult it was), it's not CUSTOM.
CUSTOM... is not always pretty.
I've seen a few cars here and there that ARE. I've seen several that claim to be but are NOT.
Custom wheels should mean... there are only 4 of them... PERIOD.
Blood, sweat, creativity, YES.
Copying someone else.. NOPE.
Paying someone to lift up your car and make it look different, NO. You signed a check. That's all YOU did. If I can pay that guy to do the same thing to mine... not CUSTOM.
I'm ranting. Sorry.
Harley offers "custom paint schemes" in their catalogs. Go into a showroom and see 3 bikes with the same "custom paint schemes"... NOT CUSTOM.
Honda civics with stickers and mufflers that are way too big... NOT CUSTOM.
That's my rant. Had to get it off my chest. Too many people misuse this word. It should be retired.
CUSTOM is not something you get out of a box. CUSTOM is not paying someone to paint your car some ungodly color. If you have it and someone else can go to the store and have it too... it's not CUSTOM.
CUSTOM is not paying for the biggest rims you can fit on your car and bolting them on.
CUSTOM is doing something that no ones seen yet. Chip Foose does CUSTOM. People that copy him do not. If you've seen it somewhere else and you copy it (no matter how difficult it was), it's not CUSTOM.
CUSTOM... is not always pretty.
I've seen a few cars here and there that ARE. I've seen several that claim to be but are NOT.
Custom wheels should mean... there are only 4 of them... PERIOD.
Blood, sweat, creativity, YES.
Copying someone else.. NOPE.
Paying someone to lift up your car and make it look different, NO. You signed a check. That's all YOU did. If I can pay that guy to do the same thing to mine... not CUSTOM.
I'm ranting. Sorry.
Harley offers "custom paint schemes" in their catalogs. Go into a showroom and see 3 bikes with the same "custom paint schemes"... NOT CUSTOM.
Honda civics with stickers and mufflers that are way too big... NOT CUSTOM.
That's my rant. Had to get it off my chest. Too many people misuse this word. It should be retired.