Cutlass salon, sold but never transferred.

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wonderboy24 said:
well then i would say the car is still yours,if he never plated or put it in his name your still the owner. repo it

That would be amazing to have my old car back it really would I still obsess over that car.
But even if I got it back I still couldn't afford insurance on two cars.
yah i hear you sounds like they are strict there,but then again every where makes you get insurance.i know the feeling i got 5 total my self,but my wife is our agent so it helps. yah not sure what to tell you. as i said it happened to me but my car got towed.and it was arm and leg to get it out so i let it go
You need to call the secretary of states office and let them in on the situation. Did you sign and date the title? Did you make a bill of sale for the car? Tell the guy if he doesnt go title the car in a week youre gonna repo it since it is still in your name. LAST RESORT only. and I bet it will be titled pretty damn quick.
Also, if you claimed the sale on your income taxes (like you in theory are supposed to do) you can use that as a legally binding proof that you sold it. you can also show the deposit to your bank account showing you took in a large sum of money. That is of course if you claimed the income. But it depends on the state and amount of sale.
My advice is man up. They're not coming to arrest you for that Bs are you serious ?! This is borderline paranoid schizophrenia. This thread reminds me of the family guy episode where the FBI opens the door talking about to peter "do you have the express written consent of the national football league and cbs to record this broadcasting" and he says sheepishly "just cbs" and they arrest him. yeah right. That doesn't happen in real life get a grip. If police come to your house don't answer the door bc they won't have a warrant the 1st time, wife says "hes not here" she close the door and then you lawyer up. If you get imprisoned for this bs, you can sue the state to pay $120 for every day you were falsely imprisoned by those nazis. That is a complete violation of your constitutional rights and at least 2 ammendments I believe 3. BTW, you have the right to bail out if charged, dont send $350-500 to an insurance company, put it to the side so you can bail out if they try that bs, you will get it back bc you dont even own the car! Stop falling for bs scams and sending banks and insurance companies free money. They have plenty folks.
oh yeah and by the way dont repo the car that advice is bad too. Your signature on the 'sold' line in back of the title is a LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT and not reversible unless a new title is issued which would require the new owner to rescind (back out of) the sale. You don't have the title in hand, so a tow truck won't enforce your request 1st of all and 2nd if you try to get it back yourself thats trespassing - which is 6 month - to a year in jail itself that you are already trying to avoid.
pencero said:
My advice is man up. They're not coming to arrest you for that Bs are you serious ?! This is borderline paranoid schizophrenia. This thread reminds me of the family guy episode where the FBI opens the door talking about to peter "do you have the express written consent of the national football league and cbs to record this broadcasting" and he says sheepishly "just cbs" and they arrest him. yeah right. That doesn't happen in real life get a grip. If police come to your house don't answer the door bc they won't have a warrant the 1st time, wife says "hes not here" she close the door and then you lawyer up. If you get imprisoned for this bs, you can sue the state to pay $120 for every day you were falsely imprisoned by those nazis. That is a complete violation of your constitutional rights and at least 2 ammendments I believe 3. BTW, you have the right to bail out if charged, dont send $350-500 to an insurance company, put it to the side so you can bail out if they try that bs, you will get it back bc you dont even own the car! Stop falling for bs scams and sending banks and insurance companies free money. They have plenty folks.

Man up? Do you know this guy? Maybe he's gotten in trouble before and will go to jail if he's not insured. No need to be rude about it.
😳 I wasn't trying to be rude though. More like a reality check. I can personally guarantee you he hasn't been in any real trouble compared to me or he would not have made this post! Coming from someone who has had some legal issues before, I can guarantee you that 1) he doesn't understand how innefective the legal system really is and 2) suggesting that cops will emerge from the bushes and kidnap him or smash his door down for a traffic offense is like saying that I will really get caught/convicted for removing a 'Do not remove by penalty of law!' sticker off of a couch throw pillow

also, all legal action is subject to due process they cant just slap him in the face w/ 6 months before giving him a chance to bail out - which by the way thats like the LOWEST possible class offense he could 'commit' in his legal code so it would probably be a signature bond or less than $250 to bail out.
pencero said:
😳 I wasn't trying to be rude though. More like a reality check. I can personally guarantee you he hasn't been in any real trouble compared to me or he would not have made this post! Coming from someone who has had some legal issues before, I can guarantee you that 1) he doesn't understand how innefective the legal system really is and 2) suggesting that cops will emerge from the bushes and kidnap him or smash his door down for a traffic offense is like saying that I will really get caught/convicted for removing a 'Do not remove by penalty of law!' sticker off of a couch throw pillow

also, all legal action is subject to due process they cant just slap him in the face w/ 6 months before giving him a chance to bail out - which by the way thats like the LOWEST possible class offense he could 'commit' in his legal code so it would probably be a signature bond or less than $250 to bail out.

Guess it depends on states? Cuz if you are on something where you have to follow certain rules, and you break em and get caught you get booked on that plus the original charges back which have no bail. Its mandatory. But that all depends on the charges and stipulations. But now were gettin off topic haha sorry OP.. hope you get this issue resolved. I'd file a release of ownership or whatever they call it in your state.
Hmm. I would've thought if u called and had insurance dropped after u sold the car, you'd be fine? Or did u never discontinue it? He prob won't put it in his name now, because if it's like here, you have to pay a penalty after 30 days of purchase and I've seen the car on Craigslist quite a bit lately, so he's wanting to sell it. Sounds like in ky u have to have insurance even if u own a car that's just sitting or not being drove? Wow
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