I agree wholeheartedly, and that is why I have compared the current government economic policies to those of the Fascist nations of Europe during the last century (Germany, Italy and Spain). They all engaged in what communist leader Leon Trotsky referred to as "Government Capitalism", which is essentially a synergy of business and government, with government being the king maker. Is this good for a capitalist society? No. The best thing is to let companies fail and let the chips fall where they may. However, it is one of the problems with free societies in that politicians fear losing their jobs so they do what they have to do to win votes. Now, letting them fail would have caused an economic turmoil that would make the present moment in time look like a boom time. But, you have to ask yourself: did we really prevent the worst from happening, or will this whole situation once again blow up in our faces. The Dollar has been all but destroyed, and I am afraid of what the rapidly eroding world confidence in our currency will do to it's real value. If the oil trade goes off the Dollar standard and embraces the Euro as they are talking about, we are in deep trouble. All the nations that currently hold dollar reserves to trade oil will dump trillions of dollars on to the world currency market as they scramble to buy up Euros instead. Real buying power will tank for the average American, raising the specter of hyperinflation as the dollar becomes essentially worthless. Hopefully this worst case scenario does not materialize, but it is something to think about in the back of your head as we face much more uncertainty in the months and years ahead. This is why I am studying the history of modern countries that have had an economic collapse. I fear that our lot may lie with theirs if we fail to understand the historical triggers of tragic totalitarian revolutions in industrialized nations. I love my country and the Constitution, and do not wish to lose them.