Chriscutlass is now using another username: 1986Buick
he's using the Chriscutlass Photobucket account to post his pictures, is from Central NJ and still doesn't know how spell... uses the word "no" for "know"
don't know if you guys got your money back from this guy but everyone should beware of him...
Just look at all of 1986Buick's posts, same 'mentality' as chriscutlass... buy my parts, buy my parts now, I can't sell anything on this forum...
Here's proof:
Re: my new project hahhaha
hears some picks of the car the day i found her as she was lying....
by 1986buick
on Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:35 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: my new project hahhaha
Replies: 16
Views: 494
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he's using the Chriscutlass Photobucket account to post his pictures, is from Central NJ and still doesn't know how spell... uses the word "no" for "know"
don't know if you guys got your money back from this guy but everyone should beware of him...
Just look at all of 1986Buick's posts, same 'mentality' as chriscutlass... buy my parts, buy my parts now, I can't sell anything on this forum...
Here's proof:
Re: my new project hahhaha
hears some picks of the car the day i found her as she was lying....
by 1986buick
on Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:35 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: my new project hahhaha
Replies: 16
Views: 494
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