Dont buy a kia

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Master Mechanic
Oct 9, 2011
my nephew was driving my sisters 2006 kia spectra and someone jumped into his lane from a liquor store and he swerved the car in the next lane picked up speed so he wouldnt make it and barely rear ended him, the ****in kia spun out and he hit a pole in a tire shop luckily there was a huge stack of tires next to the pole or he would have died he has bruises along his side. the whole half of the car is smashed in and this is from hitting tires that cushioned the pole. il post pics in a few. the car that hit him was full of some stupid *ss kids (in a hyundai....) and they took off then the police caught them brought them back to the scene and the driver started crying that he was in pain lmao. stupid nephew always going to detroit to buy some ****in weed!! anyways hes gonna be fine , had insurance whatever whatever but the point is stay out of those micky mouse *ss cars for the safety of urself and ur kids thank you
heres the kia
only 28k miles,,


had this happend to my regal im pretty sure i would have strangled those ****ers in front of the cops
oh man, i hope every one is ok. that sux and i hope yer relative gets a better car in the mean time.
yea everyones fine its just funny the kid was fine enough to flee the scene but cries in pain when the cops brought him back. his seat of course was leaned all the way back too(kid who fleed). im only 20 and never did that sh*t in all my high school years i always thought it was so stupid. could you imagine if those tires were not there though thank god. reason i have a picture and know everything is because he called me first before his mom and i flew over there and i didnt know the cops were already there and i herd yelling. i thought they wanted to fight him maybe he hit them i had no clue yet.
Believe it or not but those little shoe box cars are designed for protection in crashes. The damage looks bad because of all the different "crumple" zones designed to protect a specific spot, like an indy car. You ever notice how the hoods on new cars fold upward? Thats designed to keep flying debris from entering the windshield during a head on collision. The cars may seem like there made cheaply but they are wayyyy safer than an older car. Even the smart cars are safe (somewhat).
yea i understand what you mean but that thing was so light that barely tapping it made it lose control where he got hit was a very small bump and it led to a 30 mph spin out and it caused all that damage im sorry but i am skeptical.

i remember i had a 97 box tahoe and a honda civic was on my *ss and someone shot out of a bank or something very similar only difference is that i didnt swerve i just slammed my brake,,, needless to say the honda needed a hood, a radiator and prolly some other sh*t

tahoe looked factory fresh honestly all it did was scratch some chrome on the bumper it barely bent, youd have to pay attention to notice

also you cant see the inside, had he been a wider person man i could seriously see some damage happening he is bruised all on his side from the door comming in like a quarter of the seat i know some people there whole side rests up the side of the door from being chunky or just sit like that
It's not the size of the car that caused it to spin, when he got tapped he had to plant the gas pedal and steer out of it. There are plenty of 4 bangers out there racing and they get hit all the time without taking it for a loop. No disrespect to your nephew but what your hearing from him is his honest perception of what happened. There's not too many people involved in a car accident that have a good account of what happened. It's good that he wasn't seriously injured
all im saying is those small *ss cars are shady i dont think my car would have did that or my moms 300c or any car ive ever owned maybe my mustang but yea right in my crown vic, tahoe, or 88 fleetwood. and she has small kids no one expects an accident but are you gonna risk your life for some gas money

id be scared to get on the freeway with that thing. i drove it once and revved it to 4k to get up to 40mph on a main road its slow as malyssess and hed be crasy to race anything but a escort without the turbo
Your buick would have probly reacted worse. Think about the different suspension setups and weight. A stock Gbody will NOT out handle these newer cars im sorry. Im a Gbody guy but theres just no comparison, stock vs stock anyway.
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