beeterolds said:
Hey if it makes you guys feel better.. my 10.0 403 passed smog sniffer test in Ohio WAYYY better than the old 3.8 ever did.. and i did it only with a Converter and a Pcv valve and proper tuning... i have the inspection papers to prove it too 😉
Yeah, but the problem is that the spot check sniffer test that states do is just that - a spot check. It only checks emissions at one or two RPM points. The federal EPA certification process covers a wide range of operating conditions and takes weeks to complete. Clearly that isn't practical for bi-annual inspections. The sniffer test, combined with the visual inspection, is intended to be a compromise between a thorough inspection and convenience. The philosophy is that if the car passes the sniffer at a limited number of test points AND the required equipment is connected and appears to be functioning, then there's a reasonable chance that the car is clean enough under all operating conditions.
Again, there is a big difference between the letter of the law and the real world. The law is well documented - you certainly shouldn't believe me, you should read it for yourself. As I also noted previously, there is federal law and state law. They don't always match, so AGAIN, do your homework. Finally, as I have also noted, the real world aspect of testing depends on humans who usually DON'T understand the details of engine swaps and almost certainly don't know how to check casting numbers. All they know is that when they punch a VIN into the test computer, it spits out a list of what equipment should be in place. Can you get something past these guys? Almost certainly. It's the "almost" part that should concern you. If the swap does get discovered, there is no exemption and no limit to how much you are required to spend to return the car to compliance. You will always hear anecdotal "evidence" from someone who has gotten something past emissions. That doesn't mean it will pass the next time or that yours will pass.
With that, I'm done with this thread. Good luck with your swaps.