well, I had theengine builder over about a week and a half ago. The egine was getting spark but there was no combustion what so ever. So we pulled some plugs and they were fuel soaked. He suggested once we get a nice day with very little moisture in the air to take all the plugs out and let the cylinders air out for a few our and install new plugs. Well i got the new plugs and gapped them to .050, since Davis unified ignition says I can gap them all the way to .055. Double checked the timing and put the mark on the balancer on the 12 degrees btdc and lined up the number one plug wire with the rotor. I is still doing the same thing firing a few cylinders adn then stops. It ran one time for like 10 seconds and when I walked up to it is stopped. I looked at the fuel pressure gauge right after it stopped and it was at 6 ps1(just wanted to make sure the fuel pressure was causing the engine to flood). Pulled a plug and it didn't smell like fuel which is good. Tomorrow I am going to pull are the HEI cap and make sure all the connections are corrosion free. Before I put the plugs in I checked each plug wireif it would firethe plug. It was in the afternoon, all I could see was a whitish blue line jump the gap in the plug. If there was no plug in the wire I could see the spark jump to the nearest metalsurface. So I would think I am getting enough voltage to the plugs. Still can't figure this thing out.