I cleared out the remaining area next to the well shed. It had been separated by a hog panel, some barbed wire, and random junk. Then weeds had grown over all of it. It was really only about a 20 x 20 area, but a totally jumbled mess. Once I got it cleared I discovered a sink hole by stepping into it up to my thigh (remember the hose that ran for 5 weeks straight?). That necessitated pushing a bunch of dirt around and using the tractor to compact and level it. Now I'll be able to keep it all mowed down and once I've got all my final fencing finished it'll be annexed to my yard.
When I bought the place there was cyclone fencing around the back yard for a dog kennel, around the side of the chicken house that I gave away, and around a small garden spot. It was all just scabbed together and nothing seemed to match. I took it all down and stacked it against a tree and it's been there for about 2 years. Yesterday I separated it into like types and put up my garden fencing. I reconfigured my garden layout a little and left a little room for expansion. There is a gate at each end.
I've still got (7) matching 10' panels as well as (3) odd gates. I may just put that stuff on CL and turn it into cash since I really can't think of anything to use it for.
The previous owner worked at the dump and I suspect that that's where a lot of things around here came from. He was also a half-asser but I've almost erased his entire legacy.
I added a Bing cherry tree to my orchard on Friday. I'll need to drop a medium sized willow before I add any more.
I still can't get over how poorly thought out the tree placement and fencing was done here. I'm making an effort to clear out anything that grows tall from under power lines. The willow trees will be replaced by either fruit trees or evergreens of some sort. I'll also be stringing my fencing so that if I need to drop trees I hopefully won't need to drop wire first.
My Google street view looks to be about 10-12 years old. It's really changed a lot here since then.