I moved a bunch of dirt today. 7 hours on the tractor. I started with the area under my big weeping willow. Previous owner mad a poor attempt at creating a pond so I knocked down all the berms and dirt piles.

I pruned the apple trees and Asian pear last week.
Then I carved out my driveway and cleaned up some of the drainage. It's not completely done but way closer.

Then I swapped the blade for the brush hog and mowed the lower pasture. After that I mowed the lawn down there. Long day but I got a lot done.

I pruned the apple trees and Asian pear last week.
Then I carved out my driveway and cleaned up some of the drainage. It's not completely done but way closer.

Then I swapped the blade for the brush hog and mowed the lower pasture. After that I mowed the lawn down there. Long day but I got a lot done.