Saturday morning ramblings...
I've finally got a new phone to replace the one I broke about 10 days ago. I got back into town late last Sunday night, just in time for the crappy weather. The weeds and grass were completely out of hand. It finally dried out enough on Thursday that I was able to get everything mowed at least. Certainly not manicured but definitely will be easier to manage in a couple weeks.
I mowed the lower pasture areas as well.
Since it's the beginning of irrigation season, a bunch of sediment ended up in the run-off ditch so I got to dig the out yesterday. That will be a yearly task but I'm going to eliminate a couple land bridges and culverts to minimize the obstructions.
I put down some weed killer before I left two weeks ago that seemed to work pretty well. That area will eventually be an RV spot. Power is denoted in yellow, water in blue, septic in gray. The green arrows are low spots I filled in with ditch soil.
I've got an idea to put together a little landscaping trailer that I can drag around with the BroHauler. It'd be pretty handy to keep the mower, weedeater, leaf blower, chain saw, gas, fencing tools, shovels, rakes, etc. all together and mobile. Currently, that stuff is scattered all over. It's ridiculous.
Also, one of neighbor Jack's peahens decided to nest in the middle of my field. She came within inches of being mowed and scattered on Thursday. This morning there was no peahen, no eggs. Just some feathers.
Bonus photo. Jack's herd.