Well, spent the first part of today doing some little things to it, mainly adjusting and bleeding the back brakes, and fixing the rear shocks...also ran a can of sea-foam threw the brake booster, which really helped out alot, put a can of sea-foam in the gas, and used an entire jumbo size can of carb cleaner on the carb. got some new info/problems
First the info-the gears are not a 3.08, they're more like a 2.52, however, they are a posi
Now the problem-When I get on it off the line it pulls good up to about where I shift it to 2nd, then it completly stops getting gas, my dad said it's because he didn't hook up the return line, or because the fuel line isn't big enough to support the 455. He said he's had the same problem on his 455 regal he had, and also when he put a 455 in his 77 skylark
First the info-the gears are not a 3.08, they're more like a 2.52, however, they are a posi
Now the problem-When I get on it off the line it pulls good up to about where I shift it to 2nd, then it completly stops getting gas, my dad said it's because he didn't hook up the return line, or because the fuel line isn't big enough to support the 455. He said he's had the same problem on his 455 regal he had, and also when he put a 455 in his 77 skylark