Explain your Screen Name

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I named my Monte Lola.

After the song by 'The Kinks', songs about a guy fallin for a transmission. I think it fit well as the car started as a ugly rusted piece of crap and will end as a smokin hot piece of *ss. Just like a transvestite.
Im known to most as Monte Mike considering thats all i used to drive. Well i figured id trip them up one day and was looking for a Cutlass on craigslist to reflect the year of my birth, 1987. I come across a few '87 442 but none that was in really good shape or were in peices. So i found this 86 and I bought it. My very first 442 at that, :lol: A few days later I showed up to my buddies house and surprised em all when i popped out the drivers seat. First words I said was " My 86 442!!!" Shortly after that I joined the G Body Family.


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Im a man, my last name, year I was born/yearmodel of my cutlass
For Sebastian305 I changed my habits, in France my Screen Name was always a U.S. State or an American City. (Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tulsa, ...)

When I arrived here I say: "I have to change since this is an American forum". I ask myself the question: "but what to choose?"
I opted for Sebastian305 (my first name and Cubic Inches from my Malibu), not very original :roll: ...
i think if i had to change my screen name, id choose, trehug71.0001. Reason being, in 2008 i lived and worked in Radcliff,Ky as a front end mechanic doing alignments and front end repairs. Alot of the cars i worked on were racers cars that id run against the next weekend. I used to drag race my 71 Monte Carlo every weekend at Ohio Valley Raceway. Its a 1/8 mile track that I took 2 place at, in that season in the trophy class. the very first pass i made, was a .0001 light at 98mph. I run a 8.02 and won, and it was against a 86 fox body, :mrgreen: For every pass after that, i got to be known as the tree hugger because i never made a light go anyfurther than a .0009 . Guys hated matching up against me because id tree the sh*t out of them and almost every time, won.


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I didn't want to tie myself down to any make or model and I was (and still am) a retired industrial tinsmith, so oldtinsmith fit the bill for me!
Oh, and back in my trailer towing days it was my "CB" handle.

Real simple, its my government name in reverse. It's been my yahoo id forever! I would change my username if i could...to be more relative to my car and the site. I have "G Monte" in my sig, which sounds pretty cool. Sounds like G Money from the movie New Jack City...Am I my brothers keeper? lol
Mine is obvious....but I tried to change it and that isnt possible...so Im stuck with it.... :roll:
dixon_ronald said:
bill said:
Mine is obvious....but I tried to change it and that isnt possible...so Im stuck with it.... :roll:

" Im only a bill, on capital hill"... :rofl: ahem, just joking, bill.
Yeah...its gotta be the most generic name ever invented....lol
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