F'n Gas Prices

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Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
We get ripped for our gas prices north of the border mostly due to taxes...when the barrel price when t down we were told the gas price is not based on the price of crude but now that the crude in going up they are jackin the prices up at midnite..it's going up 4.4 cents a litre...doesn't sound too bad huh....for a US gallon that's a 16.5 cent increase in one shot...
Crude hit $86 today. There is a glut of oil, gas, and home heating oil with no disruptions anywhere in the world. F*%$@ing speculators are slowly driving up the price every day. They can trade back and forth with their buddies 20 times before a real oil purchaser even has a chance to bid. Remember when the banks crashed and NO ONE was able to get credit, how the price of crude fell to $40? Gas fell close to $1 a gallon? Scumsuckers weren't able to borrow and drive the price up for awhile. Saudi Arabia said that the REAL price should be between $25 and $50 a barrel and it's our own greedy speculators driving up the price. And when they try to fix that with the banking reform bill, like make speculators use their OWN MONEY to bid on oil futures, the b*st*rd politicians (Dodd, Shumer, etc) held their support until that language was yanked. We are being screwed big time, once again.
I paid $1.069 for a litre of gas tonite, ..out of that .31 is tax.....the price per litre works out to $4.01 a US gallon so out of that you'd be paying $1.16 per gallon in taxes by our tax rate
If you can find $3.15 it's a bargain. Most are $3.29 or more in NYC.
The price dropped a bit the last time I filled up. Was around $3.05 or so per gallon for 93 octane but it went down to $2.95/gal on the last fillup.
gas prices, and prices in general will start to increase a little bit in the days/weeks to come for us in the US due to the governments idea of stimulating the economy by pushing more money into circulation. More US currency=its value decreases=prices increase (aka inflation).

...isn't that wonderful :rofl:
2.58 a gallon here.
91.9 a litre here. Rest of the town jumped up to 95.9-97.9
(Rocky Mountain House Alberta)
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