the amount of sunshine in your locale isn't friendly towards paint finishes... but that wind sure keeps the bottoms of 'em dry if they're off the ground a little bit. leakers get a constant re-supply of fresh undercoating on them until something bad happens leading them right into the storage yard(s)... or back forty. my good buddy's aerocoupe 2+2 frame was leaned up on the north wall of a garage in Headingly, the body sat in that garage's loft for 19 years. a little Tremclad goes a long way... matter o' fact, it had 78K km on it when he picked it up off a lot in Regina. a "cream puff" 2 year old trade-in. many a circle track dude has admired that nascar inspired body for many years... could likely be the most photographed 2+2 around. nice score on your next RR's tailgate "time machine".
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