I did it, will I do it again, NO. But go for it.
Pit Falls:
Budget is never enough, endless bank account require depending on how far you want to go. I went with all GM parts or OEM suppliers for lots of the expendable parts, bushings, gaskets etc. Most of my engine compartment hoses are the originals!
Time schedule; Not enough hours in years (Took me 12) work kept me on the road for months at a time. Frame build up with all suspension and motor/trans only took 1 Saturday.
Help Needed: I did it all by myself except removal/and installation of body. Took my neighbor with forklift tractor.
Buddy Help: A definite asset to keep you motivated when you're about to give up ( I didn't have one then)
Parts: Take pic of part installed before removal! Tag part place bolts in clear plastic bags. Blast/paint/chrome parts immediately after removal. See pic of parts hanging from rafters cleaned and bolt bags stapled to wall ready for install. No bolts in boxes!
Junk Yard Trips: Find G-Body take as many bolts as you can as well as little pieces that you might need because yours are bad or missing. All clips and little specialty fasteners are available online. Clipsandfasteners is a great place.
A Harbor xxxxx sandblast cabinet is cheap and makes parts looks new. So easy, I couldn't have done it without it.
Engine hoist
A good air wrench makes for fast removal of bolts.
Special tools I didn't use any even though my tool box has a bunch of Kent Moore GM Spec special tools for GM Cars.
Last but not least: When some asks you say instead of " I bought it this way two years ago, you say "YES I did it myself and I know where every nut and bolt goes"
Good luck and you'll yank your hair out bu.... it puts a smile on your face when you drive it. And by the way I put on all the original factory brakes and then went with 2002 Camaro rear disks and S10 brakes in the front this year.