Getting the F' Outta Dodge.

How can Saskatchewan have hill folk when they don't have hills?
We have a few, quite a few valleys with Lakes near by. Maybe we can call them bush people? Plenty of home brew being made too. There are more trees here than most of Manitoba. The farmers the last few years have been playing catch up, these people probably won't exist in 10 years, along with a lot of the little villages gone as well.
We have a few, quite a few valleys with Lakes near by. Maybe we can call them bush people? Plenty of home brew being made too. There are more trees here than most of Manitoba. The farmers the last few years have been playing catch up, these people probably won't exist in 10 years, along with a lot of the little villages gone as well.
I was sort of joking . I worked in Saskatoon for a while. Flatness jokes are just part of the culture. You know what they say about Saskatchewan, it may be hard to spell but it sure is easy to draw.
We have a few, quite a few valleys with Lakes near by. Maybe we can call them bush people? Plenty of home brew being made too. There are more trees here than most of Manitoba. The farmers the last few years have been playing catch up, these people probably won't exist in 10 years, along with a lot of the little villages gone as well.

Fun fact: the top (north) of the flag is for the green space and lakes, and the bottom (south) is for the plains and wheat fields. Essentially it divides the province in half.


There are a lot of misconceptions about this province.
I joke but mostly good people here. Honestly one of the hardest things to get used to is tail gaters on road. It was an eye opener, moving from Manitoba. It has caused steam to come out of my Wife's ears, many times. She actually pulled right over and the guy actually pulled in behind her. Lucky he didn't approach the car. We have seriously sped up to 150+ km/hr to loose people, only to have them catch up slowly then sit on our *ss. Not just the Challenger either, the truck, both Olds, just how people drive here. If someone mentions tail gating here, it isn't a party, just how they drive😉.
Fun fact: the top (north) of the flag is for the green space and lakes, and the bottom (south) is for the plains and wheat fields. Essentially it divides the province in half.

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There are a lot of misconceptions about this province.
My Grandfathers brothers moved to Saskatchewan more than a century ago . There is a town named after my moms family . It just has about four houses and a cemetery now . I just tried to see on google street view but the driver with the camera never even went there. Times have changed .
One of my first cousins has my maternal grandfathers old farm out there and he and family, children and grandchildren, are doing comfortably well. Glad to see it remained in the family. Only personal regret is that I never made it to the last family re-union. Would likely have been very interesting but work intruded.

I joke but mostly good people here. Honestly one of the hardest things to get used to is tail gaters on road. It was an eye opener, moving from Manitoba. It has caused steam to come out of my Wife's ears, many times. She actually pulled right over and the guy actually pulled in behind her. Lucky he didn't approach the car. We have seriously sped up to 150+ km/hr to loose people, only to have them catch up slowly then sit on our *ss. Not just the Challenger either, the truck, both Olds, just how people drive here. If someone mentions tail gating here, it isn't a party, just how they drive😉.

I've mellowed a lot on the road since moving to Twatawa. Guess I am going to need to dip back into my Toronto assertive driving roots.


The house has groceries now. Still don't know if/when garbage day is. Got to call the township tomorrow and find out.

We got one full pod emptied yesterday and chipped away at the other three. Hopefully we can get a couple more done today.

But, at least we have chairs to sit on now.

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