Getting the F' Outta Dodge.


Royal Smart Person
Jul 23, 2018
So, among other things, You'd be trading snow for snow, because NC is now getting snow accumulation due to global cooling, the Hurricane prognosis remains about the same, You are escaping the rust belt, which is always a bonus, but there are floods and tornados to consider. I do get the desire to escape Big Brother and the helicopter school of thought regarding protecting us from ourselves; as if "they" know any better, they just have louder voices and .........................................

You did mention crabs and fishing, which, along with a cold beer or two sound just about right, given that it is snowing here and not supposed to stop until tomorrow. So the destination would be a small to mid-sized city on the coast but not necessary in the high tourist destination zones which tend to =high $$$$.

he linked to Wilmington

The teenage angst thing could be a real issue. 15 equals middle school, just about time to get into driver'e ed courses, sports, and, of course, social interaction.
yeah, but the kid might be into huntin' and fishin' (not hunting and fishing). Git er Done!

Well, wish you mounds of luck that isn't colored white!
as opposed to mounds that are brown? :poop::rofl:

Oh, yeah, bring a few sets of new winter snow tires and maybe a set of chains with you. There is a thread elsewhere around here that shows someone down in NC trying to exit their driveway after what gets called a snow "flurry" around here and getting stuck. Genuine snow tires are not something you can just wander on down to the local tire center and score, apparently.
I wonder if they can pick up racin' slicks seein' as how that be NASCAR countree?
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Living in the Past
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Jul 19, 2009
Permanent Temporary
Side job in NC: paid vacations pulling locally-built enclosed car haulers one-way westward.
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Comic Book Super Hero
Supporting Member
Feb 20, 2018
Didn't see any point in wishing 'im mounds of "Brown Luck", Hoss 'cause, as noted above, there are plenty of Hog Farms in NC to supply that!

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Amateur Mechanic
Sep 24, 2020
Didn't see any point in wishing 'im mounds of "Brown Luck", Hoss 'cause, as noted above, there are plenty of Hog Farms in NC to supply that!

Wonder if there's wild hogs to hunt in NC. That could be fun and delicious. Mike


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2014
Wonder if there's wild hogs to hunt in NC. That could be fun and delicious. Mike
High school buddy of mine moved out there about 20 years back. He said through the years there are some, but it's just pockets here and there. Supposedly more than there used to be though, if he's to be believed.


Nov 18, 2009
Saskatchewan, Truckistan
Stopped in at a local wheel repair place yesterday afternoon. After ditching my mask immediately after walking into the store (at their request) and finding some more common ground we had a rip roaring good time making fun of Ontari-don't (for crazy sh*t like this and Trudope. I think I made some more new friends.

Last night my BIL dropped 10lbs of 60/40 ground venison and pork in my freezer from his one kill so far this season. Talk about generous. Looks like I know what I am making for Valentine's Day dinner for the Mrs. Makes me look forward to snagging a deer on his new acreage next season (they literally walk through the yard) - the girls are going to get some trigger time over the summer I am sure.

Today we took the girls to school for a 2 hour long fun skate with their gym teacher... on a Saturday. That would never happen back East (not skating, and definitely not skating at school (because too dangerous) and not with an educator on the weekend (because too lazy and entitled). It was a beautiful, sunny, - 12*C day with their friends and family.

I like this province...

Happy Jim Carrey GIF

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Royal Smart Person
Jul 23, 2018
Last night my BIL dropped 10lbs of 60/40 ground venison and pork in my freezer from his one kill so far this season. Talk about generous. Looks like I know what I am making for Valentine's Day dinner for the Mrs. Makes me look forward to snagging a deer on his new acreage next season (they literally walk through the yard) - the girls are going to get some trigger time over the summer I am sure.

is it illegal to spotlight deer on your own property at night? I wonder what the game wardens out there say
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