It's just a photo I found on Google to show the difference between the Chev and BOP bellhousings. If the 200-4r's came as dual pattern that's great, it's one less issue for the OP 👍are those suppose to be 200-4r transmission's or just representations of chevy and bop?
the reason i ask is i've had 4 200-4r transmission's and all were multi fit bell housings. i have never seen a chevy only 200-4r. but everyone says they exist.
4th gen F-bodies have this dual action switch (NO for brakes, NC for cruise/TCC), and it fits where your stock one isBring 12 V to brake switch normally closed, open when pressed pedal
spend the 250 on a g-force member for an 81, its true dual exhaust member so if you put any kind of HP motor in it later you will want duels anyway.
get a aftermarket lockup wiring kit from CK performance or Bowtie overdrives, locking to TC it will make the trans run cooler and give better MPG in cruse
make sure you use the drive shaft for the GN, its an inch shorter the your stock shaft
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