I would take Caperkev up on his generous offer of help. You can't go wrong.
Quote: by CAPERKEV on Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:20 am
ok well heres the best i can do for ya, i can load my tool box, drive there an have most of your issues fixed in a day, or drag your car to my place, free storage ill work on it here an it be sitting here when you can park it there, as for the valve covers i had the same prob awhile back, bought small covers and the rockers were hitting it where the divider bars were and where the inlets for pvc were, so had to get tall covers, problem solved, the eddy carb no worry i have 2 kits, jets, springs to get running, everything else is minor or sh*t man, you pay my gas and i will come, i got a few buds left in the hat that will come give me a hand if i need it
another idea there is a guy there lives on the hill by telus, bill is his name, big house on the hill, has a chev camper van out back, car hauler and his roundy round car, go see him, he is a greasy monger he works real cheap an he is buds with busy bee(ricky) ask ricky about him, he not papered mechanic but he knows his sh*t, he actually built me a motor a few years ago,, other then parts i bought he did everything even took it out and charged me 200 cash, plus a few boxes of beer he is decent guy, cant remember his number, his wife is angie, she does the tea reading thing look up angies tea readings, you get him that way or talk to some guys at the track, they all know him
thats about all i can give ya, rest is up to you, well ya know how to reach me if want my help, i will come down there no worry now stop sulking an get that damn car finished