Don't quit now. I realize you suffered a few bumps in the road due to incompetent, shoddy mechanics who are only in it for the buck.
Many of us have been where you are in regard to frustration and hopelessness. I say if you can park the car somewhere for the time being until your enthusiasm is revitalized, do it.
You know one day you will be looking for that car...and will be difficult to replace.
If I lived closer, I'd be more than happy to help a fellow enthusiast with their car. What you need is a few guys that are diehard gearheads who are more than willing to get you back in the driver's seat. Don't give up, despite what you've experienced.
As the old adage goes, what don't kill us makes us stronger.
Many of us have been where you are in regard to frustration and hopelessness. I say if you can park the car somewhere for the time being until your enthusiasm is revitalized, do it.
You know one day you will be looking for that car...and will be difficult to replace.
If I lived closer, I'd be more than happy to help a fellow enthusiast with their car. What you need is a few guys that are diehard gearheads who are more than willing to get you back in the driver's seat. Don't give up, despite what you've experienced.
As the old adage goes, what don't kill us makes us stronger.