still curious why you all think there's some "cutoff" date when all the engines quit running and only electric will work. Like "mark your calendars we're shutting off the pumps July 5th!!" This is going to take years, quite a few of them. To build out the infrastructure, to phase things out, to invent new tech and toss out the stuff that doesn't work..... And in the end all of us with our dino burners will still be here. Yeah its gonna get more expensive. Ask the guys maintaining those 1900-1930 ish cars how cheap it is to find parts and keep going. This is the way. Always has been.
"omg these new fangled cars where are people gonna drive them, there's no roads or highways or gas stations or anything yet its so dumb"
"gasoline is so dangerous, did you know it can explode and catch fire?"
"you have to buy MORE oil and gas and parts and tires just to keep it running, sounds like a racket to me."
"soon they're gonna come for the horses and the wagon, you just hide and watch."
"omg these new fangled cars where are people gonna drive them, there's no roads or highways or gas stations or anything yet its so dumb"
"gasoline is so dangerous, did you know it can explode and catch fire?"
"you have to buy MORE oil and gas and parts and tires just to keep it running, sounds like a racket to me."
"soon they're gonna come for the horses and the wagon, you just hide and watch."