You've found the inverse of the EV requirements. The left is pushing EV's and the right's money people are stopping growable energy.
Perhaps that the inverse, but it's funny to watch the right argue against renewable energy and the left argue the exact opposite. As usual, sensible legislation lay in the middle ground somewhere, but neither side is willing to compromise.
There was actually a study recently published whose findings were that this idea of putting 10-15% Ethanol in our gas is actually worse in term of GHG emissions etc than just straight gasoline. Kinda of a win-win IMO 🙂 Get the ethanol out of my gas and help the environment.
I've never been a big fan of ethanol for common use though, at least not as it's done in North America. Take agriculture land that could be used for food and using it to make fuel isn't a great idea in my opinion. One of the conclusions of the aforementioned study was that by mandated ethanol on gasoline, it actual caused a further in crease in the price of corn and related foods. Brazil does it better, they apparently use the by products of sugar cane processing. The stuff would have been tossed out anyway. And I think they get more ethanol per ton from the cane than we do from corn.