OBD2 and OBD1 are 2 different animals all together. OBD2 measures back pressure before and after the catalytic converter. That eliminates the ability to hollow out a converter. We had a 99 cougar that had 3 catalytic converters. 2 up flow and 1 down flow. The up flow are also the exhaust manifolds. These cars are know for leaking intake plenum and causes an over rich system, in turn they will clog and burn out the up flow cats. It is over $800 for the manifolds with the cat material in them. The K member has to be dropped out of the car with the engine and transmission connected to change the manifolds. I only changed the 3rd [down flow] converter which was plugged with the up flow converters waste. The laws stated at the time that a car could pass emissions with engine codes as long as its gas levels where with in tolerance. The car blow just as well with 1 converter as it did with 3, almost 0 emissions. 3 years later the laws changed and no car can pass with engine codes regardless of its emissions level. So the car failed do to low back pressure code even though it was way below the legal limit in it emissions level. I have owned over 30 car in the past 20 years and own 11 right now. I just moved away from St louis missouri after 16 year. Their laws on emission are as tough as any in the country. They have vehicle inspections also. It is a physical inspections of wear items such as the suspension, brakes, tires, exhaust system, mirror, windows, and electrical, plus emission.
A 1985 Grand Prix 305 with out a converter with a well tuned engine WILL pass emissions. The car that I hollowed out was a 1984 305 Grand Prix it passed a tread mill test the last year I drove it and it passed 6 years of tailpipe test in St. Louis missiouri. All test were with a hollowed out converter. It didn't just barely pass it passed with 50% to 75% less then the legal limit of all bad emissions gases. It passed better then a 1988 fuel inject fresh tuned up reliant K car with 50,*** miles on it with a functioning converter that just passed before the 84 grand prix was test. I owned both cars and took them up with my wife for testing to get our emissions sticker on both.
If the government was really concerned they would make cars run on Ethanol, it makes Zero emissions. But that would make oil worthless and bankrupt the middle east and texas. The scientific community had no trouble setting off a Hydrogen Bomb in the atmosphere. They believe before the test that the fusion from the explosion would chain react with the hydrogen already in the atmosphere and turn the surface of the planet into the sun. killing everything on the earth. They still went a head and set it off with there finger crossed. How is that for some global warming.