I graduated high school in 1983, same year the new SS Montes showed up on Nascar and in the showrooms. Just loved the look of the car. Watched alot Winston cup races with Darrell Waltrip and Dale Earhardt among a few of the old greats driving the SS around the track. Its was one of those times you just knew you had to have that car. But working as a busboy and dishwasher at the local Denny's at the time, making minimum wage of $3.35 an hour kind of made that dream an impossibility. Couple years later now working as a line cook at TGI Friday's making $7.25 an hour, which wasn't bad pay at that time and living at home still, I was able to stash a little money away. We hired a new guy to run the dishwasher, we would all hang out after work and have a beer or 2 or 4 in the parking lot. When I saw our new dishwasher walk out at the end of his shift and get in his shiny new 87 Aero Coupe My jaw hit the ground. I of course had seen the car sitting in our parking lot and just assumed it was a customers car. Through the beer haze i thought to myself, DAM-IT if he can afford one so can I!! The next day I went down to the local Chevy dealer determined to get mine. Hooked up with a salesman who was more then happy to show me the 2 new SS's and 2 new Aerocoupes he had out front. The SS's were going for just over $14,000 and the Aerocoupe just over $15,000. Knowing how much I had and what I could afford in a payment every month, my heart just sank. I was crushed, i just couldn't pull it off. With my head hung low, I sarcastically said crap you don't have any used ones laying around do you? To which he said, you know we got one in yesterday on a trade. The clouds parted and the sun shown down on MY beautiful white with blue stripes 84 SS!!! Still have it today. Check out my 1st post from last year to read the rest of the cars story. Love this car, told my son the it will be his someday and when i die i want to be cremated and want him to smear my ashes all over this car so i can still enjoy it in the afterlive.