Hurricane Sandy

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Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
That hurricane sure looks huge. I hope everyone here and their family and friends who get hit by this one comes out of it ok. Take care of yourselves and don't take any chances...
Yeah according to the weather channel it's heading directly for where I live... They're freaking me out saying that the power could be out "potentially for weeks". :shock:

But hopefully they're blowing it all out of proportion and it'll only be out for a couple hours or a day...
according to the weather reports we are supposed to get hit where I am n Ontario late Monday...
I work in EMS and live in NJ. We are getting frequent updates. Here is what we know so far:

Sandy is currently a Cat1 Hurricane and is way off the coast of South Carolina. She is following the predicted trajectory so far. At some point mid-day tomorrow she is supposed to turn west and head for the eastern seaboard. If this happens, and all research suggests it will, she could hit anywhere from DE to NJ. There is where we are not sure yet - 50% of the predictions say she will hit DE, and the other 50% right in OCean County NJ where I live. We obviously won't know more until tomorrow.

Here are some links to help:

Hurricane Tracker: ... 2012/sandy
National Weather Service:
NOAA Hurricane Sandy Updates: ... ml?5-daynl

Please stay inside and stay safe!
Im over near Rt33 in Farmingdale, everything is tied down here. Went over to Jackson Last night to take down a few things in my mothers yard and secure things. Im not as worried about the rain as I am about the wind. Got my cutlass and my truck in the garage now, the other cars are outside. I will tell you that there will be a lot of stuff blowing around, many people in the lakewood howell freehold and wall areas have not taken down any of their Halloween stuff and nothing else is secure. I got plenty of drinking water, the cars have plenty of gas, the windows have been secured and everything is charged and got plenty of batteries. Hopefully I'm over preparing for this , Irene doesn't seem as bad as this one might be.
From what we've seen, I don't think you can be over prepared for this monster storm. We already have flooding down here. I was not lucky enough to garage the cars, but I managed to at least get a car port for the convertible and I wrapped the Cutlass with tarps and padding. I moved my wifes car to safer high ground and since I work in EMS I'll be leaving for work in a few hours.

This one is BAD. So far the tracks have it making land fall tomorrow in Ocean County NJ. Effects will be felt 250 miles in all directions from the center of the storm. Be safe and be smart!
Thanks but here in Canada we just get the much smaller version of what you get but they say this one is going to be the worst. I hope you don't have to go out and deal with people who put themselves in harms way. I don't like to see anyone get hurt but they should not be the cause of other's taking chances
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