Geez . . . tough crowd. Between the earthquakes, yearly fires, and then mudslides, I think CA can get cut a break.
But, I'm old enough to remember when most aftermarket car parts were developed and came from there. Wines that rival the best from anywhere. Still a great place to visit IMO . . . when it's not burning. Which sadly seems to be rarer and rarer each year. I know lots of great people there. Lots of fun things to do. Great live music if you know the right spots? Never saw Disneyland. Could care less. Always have a great time.
Still remember a friend Jerry the first time I went out there, in like '78, drove me clear out in the desert as it was getting close to sunset and, though I didn't mind, not much to see in the desert so I was kinda wondering the point? Between the stars as I've never seen them before and absolutely NO noise, it seemed initially almost eerie is was so beyond quiet. You could hear your heart beat. But we just got out, sat on the hood, polished off 2 six packs and he said "Garth, this is called therapy". I come out here at least once a month to just get the heat off my noodle.
The world . . . is beyond crowded period. New York City? I had been there MANY times for work but the wife never had and, despite my health challenges, I managed to get the wife there and back last year for her 60th. Since she's a HUGE Carol King fan, I scored tickets to "Beautiful" at the Sondheim then managed to see Steely Dan at the Beacon which was her treat to me though she loved it too, the ground zero memorial of course. Unfortunately that was about all the energy I had. Short 3 day, 2 night thing. Glad we went . . . even though people were tripping over each other every single place we went.
Been to Houston or Dallas lately? I like Texas too though and always have a good time down there . . .
We spend as much time as possible at the cabin in Colorado but always hit the masses in Denver or the Springs to get weed, I mean, see people we know and always plenty to do, hear, and see while there.
There are certain times traffic is a mess in Wichita, Ks. And thanks to fracking and waste water injection, we now have more earthquakes here than CA does.
I'm apparently just too damn old and mellowed out to hate these places because of traffic and being crowded . . .
Now get the HELL off my lawn, damn it!