The media is generally dishonest about CV-19. Yes it kills 0.3% of the people that get it, but the Average age of death with CV-19 in the US is still above the average life expectancy in the US before CV-19. If you are over 80 years old, DO NOT get Cv-19. Period.
My Son has had it, My sister & four kids in her house got it. Her Husband probably got it but was asymptomatic.
Texas has 29,000,000 people, 64,000 Hospital beds, 7,600 Available ventilators & currently 4,200 Hospitalized patients with CV-19 (about 7% of Texas hospital capacity) (CV-19 Hospitalizations are down from 11,000 that resulted from the Post memorial day to July 4th Protests/riots and the Mexico crap show along the border that was driving 50% of Texas's cases for a while).
I've had a sore throat for a month from wearing a stupid mask for 10 hours a day for the last 5 months (they are mandatory where I work even though we are temp screened daily & are socially distanced). I have Zero fear of catching Covid, but probably will not even though the sore throats have greatly increased my chances of catching bacterial infections and also makes me more susceptible to CV-19 & Flu infections, so hooray masks.
The constant fear p*rn needs to stop and there is zero actual evidence masks will "stop the virus" Evidence does exist masks will "slow it down a tad". Pulling infected people out of their homes, placing them in mandatory 14 day quarantine, daily testing of the remaining people in those homes, repeat, repeat, repeat, IS THE ONLY WAY CV-19 has been stopped. If we can't stop people from burning/looting cities, we aren't going to have police pulling citizens out of their homes/enforcing mandatory 14 day quarantines.
Therefore, Obviously, the virus cannot be stopped.
In 1918, overall life expectancy was only 36 years old. If the 1918 Spanish Flu was released from a Wuhan lab in October 2019 (and not in 1918) it would have killed 20-30 million people already, just in the US (300 Million worldwide), because of the current demographics & population age, If this was 1918 Flu, every Grocery store, every Walmart, would have a memorial to the 10-30 people that worked there, caught the flu and died, because 50 & 60 year old people work in those stores in 2020, but 50 & 60 years olds were as rare in 1918 as 80 & 90 year olds are today. We are talking Bulldozers and mass graves levels of death.
Dallas Fort Worth has 7 Million people in the metroplex Almost everyone of them goes to a Walmart/Grocery store or lives with someone who does. Grocery stores and Walmarts never closed, I've heard of maybe 5 grocery workers with other underlying health conditions that have died of CV-19 in the last 6 months an the DFW area.
CV-19 isn't a hoax, but definitely isn't something to destroy the world economy over and everyone should pray we don't ever get a real virus, like the 1918 Flu.
My Son has had it, My sister & four kids in her house got it. Her Husband probably got it but was asymptomatic.
Texas has 29,000,000 people, 64,000 Hospital beds, 7,600 Available ventilators & currently 4,200 Hospitalized patients with CV-19 (about 7% of Texas hospital capacity) (CV-19 Hospitalizations are down from 11,000 that resulted from the Post memorial day to July 4th Protests/riots and the Mexico crap show along the border that was driving 50% of Texas's cases for a while).
I've had a sore throat for a month from wearing a stupid mask for 10 hours a day for the last 5 months (they are mandatory where I work even though we are temp screened daily & are socially distanced). I have Zero fear of catching Covid, but probably will not even though the sore throats have greatly increased my chances of catching bacterial infections and also makes me more susceptible to CV-19 & Flu infections, so hooray masks.
The constant fear p*rn needs to stop and there is zero actual evidence masks will "stop the virus" Evidence does exist masks will "slow it down a tad". Pulling infected people out of their homes, placing them in mandatory 14 day quarantine, daily testing of the remaining people in those homes, repeat, repeat, repeat, IS THE ONLY WAY CV-19 has been stopped. If we can't stop people from burning/looting cities, we aren't going to have police pulling citizens out of their homes/enforcing mandatory 14 day quarantines.
Therefore, Obviously, the virus cannot be stopped.
In 1918, overall life expectancy was only 36 years old. If the 1918 Spanish Flu was released from a Wuhan lab in October 2019 (and not in 1918) it would have killed 20-30 million people already, just in the US (300 Million worldwide), because of the current demographics & population age, If this was 1918 Flu, every Grocery store, every Walmart, would have a memorial to the 10-30 people that worked there, caught the flu and died, because 50 & 60 year old people work in those stores in 2020, but 50 & 60 years olds were as rare in 1918 as 80 & 90 year olds are today. We are talking Bulldozers and mass graves levels of death.
Dallas Fort Worth has 7 Million people in the metroplex Almost everyone of them goes to a Walmart/Grocery store or lives with someone who does. Grocery stores and Walmarts never closed, I've heard of maybe 5 grocery workers with other underlying health conditions that have died of CV-19 in the last 6 months an the DFW area.
CV-19 isn't a hoax, but definitely isn't something to destroy the world economy over and everyone should pray we don't ever get a real virus, like the 1918 Flu.