Joe, if the air cleaner lid and accessory brackets for the 430 are still available can you grab it for me please? Just let me know the cost and shipping to 85140. Thanks!
I can definitely grab the air cleaner, I will do my best on the accessory brackets.
Would like to just walk around and window shop. Possibly cut something up and do a wall hanger.
Literally thousands upon thousands of wall hangers in this place.
Check u check that Monte for me and see if the headliner is intact.
I'm almost certain it was pretty bad, but I will double check and make it if it is good.
I would love to get the air deflector and hardware off of the malibu wagon
I can get it for you if you'd like.
I was going to say, grab the console out of the Monte if it's intact and not all cracked. I'm surprised it still had the lid on it. They're usually ripped off, removed, or just deteriorated. Even the seats if they're not too roached out.
That yard is full of treasures. Cool place.
The console was pretty chalky but probably still usable. The breadbox was there, I can grab it.