Well, I'm a little deflated. I couldn't figure out where all my photos went that I had linked onto the site from webshots . Apparently, webshots was sold and the new owners gave the users until 01 December to get their junk copied. I totally missed all that and thus the reason for the big gaping holes where photos used to reside that now say Temporally Unavailable.
I really liked webshots, all my photos were stored there, each project or restoration in a separate file. The new site is called Smile, looks like some touchy-feely site I’m not gonna like and oh yeah, I’m not smiling. I read that a lot of the photo sites (Flicker, Snapfish, Shutterfly and etc .) are having a time of it staying afloat. That said, not sure what the answer is other than maybe cloud storage. Even that seems questionable if one ponders it for too long.
Truth is I barely have the time to post in the first place let alone have to go back after the fact and reinvent the wheel. That said, I don’t know if I’ll go back and fill the holes or not. Note to self: Keep your photos on the site your blog is on.
Got some time off for the holiday, but I’ve been working more on the shop than the car. It’s easy to let stuff slide when your eye is on the ball. Not like the roof was cavin’ in or anything, just a lot of things I’ve been meaning to do. Hang up some pegboard, wheels for hanging hoses, and sorting through all the crap in boxes on my racks. Not only do I have stuff you didn’t know I had, I got stuff I didn’t know I had.
I was going to wait until the motor was done before I dropped the body back on the frame but have since decided to plow forward. Can’t really work on the interior while it’s hanging and it’s holding me up. I’m not going to rush the motor so I’ll rethink my plan a little. SO, next week, I plan to do the body drop. I'll be sure to post some photos once I get going.
Wanted to say also that every single piece/part/component I’ve purchased from members of this site and/or
Malibu Racing has been as advertised and in a lot of cases better than advertised. SO much so that I’ve bought some parts I don’t even need….yet. What a great bunch of folks to be associated with!
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas or a great whatever you celebrate. …
Scott. …