I have been into g body cars for literally about 25 years now, mostly regals, a few cutlass’s including my 442. I have never went any stretch of time without owning one and constantly buying and selling parts, parts cars, whole cars and whatever else. I literally search the country on a regular basis ebay, craigslist, search tempest, facebook and anywhere I can find for g bodies. Heck, parts cars are selling for good amounts of money. I have not seen a decent parts car for less than 1000 in awhile and that’s going to be a beat to crap no title car. What I am finding, complete car prices are going through the roof which I totally saw coming years ago and have been preparing for it. They really are bringing good cash! Good for sellers, sucks for buyers but it’s the way of the world. Another thing I am seeing, not allot of folks buying parts locally which was booming just a few years ago where I am from. What I do keep seeing is allot of people that do not realize where the market is now, people constantly bashing prices and talking trash on what the cars are not only being listed for but actually selling for. Blaming the car auctions and comparing everything to the market 3-5 years ago. I have seen maybe a handful of g bodies in salvage yards in the last 5 years and they are usually ruined and whatever is still good is gone within a day of getting in there. I searched pick and pulls data base for regals the other day and the only cars showing up were a few in California. I just had a guy telling me it was nuts what a guy listed his rough 85 GN astro roof car for, I just paid within 1500 for the same car but with T tops. As most know, if they are on here much, I searched and searched and searched and then searched a whole bunch more for a rust free T top regal shell and I am nearly convinced that finding a rust free t top shell and heck, even a hard top car is few and very far in between in todays world. The GN I have now needs allot of rust repairs but was a mostly complete car so I am working with what I got, I’m sick of searching, sick of driving half way across the country on wild goose chases. Moral of the story and this is purely my opinion and observations, these cars are now worth allot more than most realize. I think the less than financially well off folks are bashing everyones prices because they simply can not afford the hobby anymore and that is unfortunate for them but it’s no different than it was for my dads generation and the cars of their era. For the rest of us, at least for me, it makes me feel allot better about dumping a large amount of cash to build cars that assuming they are done tastefully and correct will hold value very well. Maybe I am reading the market all wrong? Thoughts?
Again, this is my observation, thoughts, and opinion so please don’t light me up if you think different. I am looking for a discussion, not a argument