Yes, I get it...OEs are outsourcing like everyone else is...but what choice do they really have? We no longer have the resources that this country used to.
I see it every day, at work as a bodyman. VW parts from Norway, Sweden, Argentina, India....GM parts from everywhere, and on and on. Some is because unions or work ethics or greed have run the suppliers out of business, some is because 3rd world countries don't care what they put into their air/water/ground for a buck/peso/rupee/whatever. It's a global economy for sure.
Realistically, how many door shells would sell? Surely not enough to justify the tooling/R&D costs. Common parts like floorpans are much more likely to make the ROI as they fit the whole line.
I know you know all of this, just not sure that everybody understands how business works.
I'll still take a "real" 82/87 Camino fender over the "repro"...I've been there, done that, won't do it again. Even if it means more time spent repairing some least I know it once actually fit a vehicle, which I cannot say for the aftermarket/repros that I have attempted to install. I am fortunate that I live where these parts can still be found, I know. I do wonder how much longer people will be willing to spend the money/time on "these old cars".
Quality on late model parts? Hardly. Took a new OE taillamp for a 2004 Avalon out of the package yesterday to install it...the lens was seperated around 60% of the lamp. Guess that one will be going home Monday instead of yesterday.
Like I said before, I wish you the best of luck for the guys that are looking for the pieces you're working on.