It's the end of the World!

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This issue is a complex one, and theres no simple solution to it. But we Americans, and Canadians too for that matter, have very short memories. 50yrs ago, you had three options when buying a gun. A rifle, usually the common 30/30 or the like, a shot gun, or a revolver. All of these weapons were designed for multi purpose use. 90% of which were used to hunt bird, deer, squirrel, elk, etc. To buy one, you had to go to a gun shop, and they would sell ya what you needed. But the amount of guns per capita was very low compared to today. Today, you can go to a gun show and buy anything you want if you have a valid ID and sign the papers. And, today, there are more guns in America than people. So, to say that more guns out there are not a possible cause is, to me, inaccurate. These young, mentally ill people shoot up schools because the resistance is minimal and their targets are bunched up together. I would say that the major problem causing these terrible tragedies has more to do with violence on tv, in movies, and most of all, in video games...all of which are brainwashing kids into thinking that killing isnt a bad thing, but a fun thing...which is never a good thing.

Gun bans wont work, never have....but something has to be done, and the American taxpayer will have to pay, one way or another, either by building more mental hospitals and keeping the unstable amoung us out of the mainstream or by arming every school, church, movie theater, mall, restuarant, etc with armed guards w/itchy trigger fingers.....:blam:
There are a few in here my age group who grew up in the 50's, 60's and 70's when parents worked to stay together and there was usually one parent at home. Neighborhood were places where people knew each other and kids were looked after by the whole neighborhood and if you ever did anything wrong your mom heard about it before you got home. Corporal punishment was the norm back then and it didn't stop with a parent. I've had more than one cop kick me in the *ss and then dragged me home by the ear so my parents could have their turn. And I've had the strap at school. There was bullying in schools which usually ended up with someone standing up to the bully and they stopped their practice or their parent found out and they put a stop to it. After school more often than not a fistfight which usually ended with the two guys good friends. There was never a student who came into the school to take everyone out nor was there any adult who attacked a school or their workplace.

For all the advances this society has made it sure failed in the fundamentals of society if you ask me. Society has been going as fast backwards as the technological world advances and it's getting worse as time goes on. We can't go back in time but society need to get a collective grip and look at what the younger generations need from us to give them back a sense of responsibility and hope. The big house and the two SUV's are not doing it so we need to do something else and looking back 50 years might give us some ideas.

We can't take the weapons out of the hands of the criminals today but we can change the mindset of the younger generations so they value life and understand it's wrong to take one. There has to be a way to give these kids a conscience that will keep them from swaying too far from the beaten path.
pontiacgp said:
There has to be a way to give these kids a conscience that will keep them from swaying too far from the beaten path.
EMP would be a good start.
Well said GP....and I am of that same age group and experienced life much the same way. Technology is turning our young people into anti social animals. They dont know how to speak or how to complain without sounding like an idiot. They have learned that hard work doesnt pay and that taking advantage of someone or something is the American way. Im not saying all kids are like this, because there are still good kids out there, but they are becoming the minority more and more everyday. Driven is right...maybe an EMP will bring us all back down to earth and force us to revert back to simple, yet effective ways of dealing with each other. Or, it may just lead us into total mayhem....where only the smartest and fittest will survive to carry on.
DRIVEN said:
pontiacgp said:
There has to be a way to give these kids a conscience that will keep them from swaying too far from the beaten path.
EMP would be a good start.
Now that's a thought.
Kinda like a Reboot on all the crap in the world. 8)
Hmmm, this thread took an interesting sway, :lol: , I'm far from the old school era of which some of you speak, but, I was brought up in a similar manner in the 80's and 90's. I remember specific times when my mom knew exactly what I had done wrong before I returned home, her telling me, just because I'm out of her sight, doesn't mean she doesn't have eyes watching my every move, maybe it was just the neighborhood. I can remember my parents telling a teacher "don't be afraid to smack him if he steps out of line", (terrifying to a 1st grader, lol), how many kids today have heard the statement "just wait until your father gets home"? Since when is just passing a subject good enough, I remember being grounded for anything less than a "B". Don't take it the wrong way, there's a big difference between discipline and abuse, I consider my parents two of my best friends now, I'm glad they brought me up by the hand. I think that's where society has failed, the discipline is gone, all a kid has to do is cry wolf and the parents are up sh*t creek. There's no fear anymore, a kid without fear is a disaster waiting to happen. Just my opinion of course :mrgreen: , as far as guns in the household, I always knew where my fathers was, I knew where the ammo was too, would I have dared to touch either? Absolutely not, fear of the consequences.
LoL I remember the god old " Oh Justin just wait till you father steps in that door" :shock:

Kids today are a sad bunch its all about drinking partying and smoking pot and slamming girls and not respecting them. bunch of p*ssies if you ask me. and thats coming from a 19 year old.
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