It's the end of the World!

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How come the apocalypse thread turned into a debate about guns. Guns can't possibly end the world. What is most likely to end the world is so obvious: people with absolute power in control of nuclear weapons + the colonization of space & / or proliferation of weapons into space. Let us take our guns and stop these people before it's too late - second ammendment or not by the way. People should have a right to protect themselves whether constitutionally allowed or not. People should not be in possession of nuclear & chemical warheads. Let's keep the issues relevant this century and accomplish something. Let's aim for The Few instead of The Many this time. Power to the people +++++++
Meh I think its Fair that korea and Iran are mobilizing nuclear weapons why should the states be the only nation to have the abbilities to destroy the world... it should be all or nothing everyone destroys all the weapons or every nation gets a stock pile to proctect them self.
YGspider said:
Meh I think its Fair that korea and Iran are mobilizing nuclear weapons why should the states be the only nation to have the abbilities to destroy the world... it should be all or nothing everyone destroys all the weapons or every nation gets a stock pile to proctect them self.

I'm glad the US has their nuclear weapons so they can keep the other countries at bay. You can't trust N Korea or Iran to have nuclear weapons cause they will use them. I thought that was just common knowledge...
pontiacgp said:
YGspider said:
Meh I think its Fair that korea and Iran are mobilizing nuclear weapons why should the states be the only nation to have the abbilities to destroy the world... it should be all or nothing everyone destroys all the weapons or every nation gets a stock pile to proctect them self.

I'm glad the US has their nuclear weapons so they can keep the other countries at bay. You can't trust N Korea or Iran to have nuclear weapons cause they will use them. I thought that was just common knowledge...

It is unless you spend all your time in your Mom's Basement playing video games ..... :rofl:
bill said:
Well said GP....and I am of that same age group and experienced life much the same way. Technology is turning our young people into anti social animals. They dont know how to speak or how to complain without sounding like an idiot. They have learned that hard work doesnt pay and that taking advantage of someone or something is the American way. Im not saying all kids are like this, because there are still good kids out there, but they are becoming the minority more and more everyday. Driven is right...maybe an EMP will bring us all back down to earth and force us to revert back to simple, yet effective ways of dealing with each other. Or, it may just lead us into total mayhem....where only the smartest and fittest will survive to carry on.

isn't it strange how we played with guns, watched violent movies and cartoons, had the occasional fistfight, played contact sports where points were counted and one team always lost and time outs were unheard of but none of us ever thought about mass killing....
YGspider said:
Meh I think its Fair that korea and Iran are mobilizing nuclear weapons why should the states be the only nation to have the abbilities to destroy the world... it should be all or nothing everyone destroys all the weapons or every nation gets a stock pile to proctect them self.

Who's side are you on anyway? :lol:
Check out a documentary called, "Inside North Korea" and see if that sways your worldly opinion.
You all missed the point of the comment I'de rather everyone get rid of nuclear weapons rather then a few nations having such weapons of mass destruction.... like look what the States,Canada and Britian did to Iraq and Afganistan ... there was no weapons of mass destruction .. mabey if they had nucelar weapons we wouldnt of just walked in.

I'm also not disrespecting any soldiers I thank you for your service and sacrafice.

Just the polotics of it all gets the inocent boys and girls killed. 🙁
Nukes are more of a status symbol. They're an extremely messy, public weapon. There's nothing sneaky about them. Just a big stick that no one's going to swing -- political leverage. Biological weapons are far more dangerous in my opinion. They can be specifically targeted and are harder to trace. You can kill dozens or millions. They can be used in an area to eliminate the inhabitants without leaving the real estate uninhabitable for a thousand years. Anonymous, inexpensive, easy to reproduce. That's a true world-ender.
YGspider said:
You all missed the point of the comment I'de rather everyone get rid of nuclear weapons rather then a few nations having such weapons of mass destruction.... like look what the States,Canada and Britian did to Iraq and Afganistan ... there was no weapons of mass destruction .. mabey if they had nucelar weapons we wouldnt of just walked in.

I'm also not disrespecting any soldiers I thank you for your service and sacrafice.

Just the polotics of it all gets the inocent boys and girls killed. 🙁

let me guess, you think those wars were illegal. Would you rather fight the terrorists in your own backyard?
I just dont think the wars where justified...... although it did create alot of jobs thats one good thing about war. And realisticly we lost in iraq and afganistan. Also just like you guys made a gun argument of a few crazy people can ruin it for everyone I guess thats what happen in the terrorist attacks of 911.

And how many weapons of mass destruction where found in iraq? a few Ak's and old *ss soviet tanks? If Ak's are weapons of mass destruction then I guess we just have to get rid of the sale of automatic weapons to the public we wouldnt want the US Army attacking its own civillians for having such weapons :wink:

mhhhhhh Beasted.
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