It's The Swine Flu!!! Run!!!!

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
I would too. It's a known fact that swine flu zombies crave Oldsmobiles. Sadly, where I live underground storage is not possible, unless I want my car to look like the Tulsarama Belvedere.


Royal Smart Person
Apr 8, 2007
des plaines, il
well if they kill off all the potheads, whos gonna buy video games and funions? who would work the drive through at white castle, or eat white castel. whos gonna over croud the prisons, and who are we gonna make fun of? the junkfood market would take a plunge and then we're all screwed! and the swine flu zombies is the reason im wanting to buy an AR-57 and a XD-m. :lol:
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Aaaah, but you have to remember that it is all about breeding a better slave worker class in order to serve the evil heads of corporations and secret societies. In their new order, there is no place for Funions or video games, only working to make a better, new glorious worker's paradise! After all, Funions are not good to feed the workers as they are not healthy. Video games take up time that would better be spent serving the new masters of humanity.

On a serious, but disturbing note, Obama just said that Americans should not expect to ever return to the lifestyles they had before the economic downturn. Why? What does he have planned for us in reality? As much as I like to joke about conspiracies I am not certain that the truth is that much different than what my wild imagination can come up with.

Also serious: the World Health Organization is getting ready to call this an official pandemic (Phase 5 out of a possible 6 with 6 being a pandemic). It may actually be time to go out and buy some canned foods and dry goods just in case this gets really bad. After all, if a real panic does set in, the store shelves will be cleared in a matter of hours. Considering that a number of quarantines have already been declared it may be a prudent move to go out now and buy a few extra bags of Funions. After all, they are the one thing you don't want to be without in a crisis. That...and maybe a video game that takes a long time to complete to make the time go past.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
If you want to read about the last major H1N1 flu pandemic, read this. It is actually the most deadly pandemic on record today. Even so, the death rate is relatively low. It's not a hemorrhagic fever like Ebola or Hanta.


G-Body Guru
Jun 19, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
From the newswires...

A US health official on Saturday did not rule out the possibility that the A(H1N1) influenza virus outbreak may have originated in California.


G-Body Guru
Oct 24, 2007
Lakeland, FL
All of the checking on the net and all I have found is one US death - a small child whose parents may be illegal. I don't know because all of the stories are blocking the legality by just saying that the parents are Mexican or Latino.

Anyway, I am becoming a believer in conspiracies, just not the ones mentioned above. I'm more of a 1984 type guy...

It seems that when the fasciti running our country see something going the right way, they need a left turn in order to scare the populous into turning to - AHEM - the government for assistance. I believe that this is no coincidence at all that this "possible pandemic crisis" is happening just when the socialized medicine debate is about to happen in Congress. What better way to get the masses on board with socialism and fascist dictatorship than a series of new, ever evolving crises? I believe this is their plan. It worked for Woodrow Wilson and FDR. We have already been there - done that. The new generation has no passion for history or the lessons it teaches. The Nazis were the same way. Make everything new and forget the lessons from the past. Here we go again...

Please do not buy into this hype. Please use your sense that God gave you.

More people die from drugs, or car accidents, or falling down the stairs than they do from swine flu.

Please don't buy this crap.


Apr 24, 2009
Houston, Tx
KrisW said:
All of the checking on the net and all I have found is one US death - a small child whose parents may be illegal. I don't know because all of the stories are blocking the legality by just saying that the parents are Mexican or Latino.

Anyway, I am becoming a believer in conspiracies, just not the ones mentioned above. I'm more of a 1984 type guy...

It seems that when the fasciti running our country see something going the right way, they need a left turn in order to scare the populous into turning to - AHEM - the government for assistance. I believe that this is no coincidence at all that this "possible pandemic crisis" is happening just when the socialized medicine debate is about to happen in Congress. What better way to get the masses on board with socialism and fascist dictatorship than a series of new, ever evolving crises? I believe this is their plan. It worked for Woodrow Wilson and FDR. We have already been there - done that. The new generation has no passion for history or the lessons it teaches. The Nazis were the same way. Make everything new and forget the lessons from the past. Here we go again...

Please do not buy into this hype. Please use your sense that God gave you.

More people die from drugs, or car accidents, or falling down the stairs than they do from swine flu.

Please don't buy this crap.

You are right about the low accounts of death... There has been more then the baby in Houston (who family was legal born US citizens who live in the Brownsville area…close the to US Mexico boarder) that have died but not as many to call for this type of media based panic… I people got the fact then they would not be this bad… The US has had growing cases of the Swine flu each since year since its Ohio (I think it was Ohio, if not another farming based state) outbreak in the 1970’s. The swine flu carries many of the same symptoms as the flu and with out proper blood testing many cases in the US has likely been over looked and considered the human flu.

I am all for conspiracy theories but the fear is the direct result of the media presented precautions made but those in Mexico due to there inability for proper medical support and lack of availability of even the most common over the counter pharmaceuticals. Being that the middle and up classes of the US is now in a panic and buying up compete stocks of hand sanitizers (by personal research, lower SES areas are buying less of these buy count of store availability but this has not been placed in a before and after sinairo which may or may not show an increase in sales) and unnecessarily crowding medical facilities, doctors in fear of backlash for possibly letting one through that does have it, are taking students out of schools if any flu like symptom is apparent which in turn causes more panic.

If you think back to the happening over the last ten year you have clearly see that similar events and spread of panic happened with the bird flu and the west Nile virus, as well as fear towards food such as when mad cow was popular, the tomato scare which both almost bankrupted complete industries

The socialization of medicine is not a something that is currently up for debate or even attempted to be presented with support by any current bill, it is a common misconception and fear tactic by those who appose it that the revamping of the medical field situation to lower the cost of medical care for all is a call for a government take over of the corporate section.


G-Body Guru
Oct 24, 2007
Lakeland, FL
Socializing of medicine certainly IS ON THE CURRENT AGENDA. If you look at the comments from an Illinois Congresswoman (Jill [I can't pronounce or spell her last name]) just a few days ago you will see that she openly stated that this new legislation is a "Trojan Horse for the single payer system"

That is socialized medicine, and it is evil. Just look at Canada or England and review their systems to see how good it really is.


Apr 24, 2009
Houston, Tx
KrisW said:
Socializing of medicine certainly IS ON THE CURRENT AGENDA. If you look at the comments from an Illinois Congresswoman (Jill [I can't pronounce or spell her last name]) just a few days ago you will see that she openly stated that this new legislation is a "Trojan Horse for the single payer system"

That is socialized medicine, and it is evil. Just look at Canada or England and review their systems to see how good it really is.
Former Illinois Congresswoman Jill long Thompson?... Anyway, no bills, no debates. = no chance

Although I do not support socialized medicine, while we are talking of places with socialized medicine lets really look at those nations of the united kingdom, they constantly report getting care with in less waiting times then those in the US... There is no backlog of people who are in any need of car wither it be critical or minor and there is not and outstanding debt from medical attention the individuals of the nation as well as the gain of not paying direct increasing deductions to health care (although it is likely added in the tax rate).


G-Body Guru
Oct 24, 2007
Lakeland, FL
I will send the link as soon as I can.

Believe it or not, over here in afghanistan the internet is terrible! I am using a cell phone hooked to my computer to do this. The G-body site is actually one of the easiest pages to get to! hahahha

Anyway, I WILL post the link when I get it, never fear!!
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